

So I left some other forum, administration changed to less friendly one, I didn't get banned but plenty of my friends were and rest left in a hurry. So I moved my journal here and I hope this place is significantly more friendly then my old forum is now (before it was awesome place). So I jsut wanted to say hi, it's my second indoor grow, and I had around 10 outdoors before.

check my journal if you have some time and here is my photbucket (which got my current and previous grow):


Well-Known Member
i didn't click on the link. neither will most readers. better to post pix. while in photo bucket, copy the link and paste it in the box that pops up when you hit the icon here^^^^marked image. your photos will magically appear. i'm sure they're great pix and the plants probably look good. :)


Active Member
sorry about you experience on your old message board. The community here has by far been the best that I've been involved with. I was a former GS member and thought that they had alot of novice and noob growers who were contributing a lot but here you get members who are contributing a lot but know what they're doing and have the passion for it. This board is also more about the community and does have better set guidelines.

Enjoy your stay with us.


Thanks guys for answering. I already posted some of the pictures in my grow journal in this forum and I will post some more so if you want to check or comment feel free. So far I am enjoying this place.