Regarding Pruning


What are the least stress causing pruning techniques to achieve plants maximum top growth? Any comments would be appreciated.


Active Member
Only "prune" dead leaves. You can partially prune dying leaves (cut them where they are dead), leaving the healthy part. Healthy leaves are used later on by the plant to produce buds. "Tuck, don't pluck."

Do a search for "supercropping" and "topping" to get maximum top growth.


Well-Known Member
That's some good advice. Any leaf that's at least 50% healthy should be kept. It will provide more photosynthesis for the plant which will help the plant break down oxogyn, CO2, water, & nutes faster so it can grow faster.

If you have a leaf that's shading other leaves that you want to keep growing, then use LST to move it out of the way (just use string, tie it to the end of branch and drill a hole in the planter to use as the anchor. Then move it to the side a little at a time).

As far as maximum yeild, here's a link to a thread where you can learn to FIM. It's not as easy as topping, but it can create several main colas, and will give you the ability to grow some real monsters.

Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
to focus on upper cola growth i'd trim the little tiny shoots and fan leafs at the bottom 1/3 part of ur if ur plants a foot dont make any cuts above 3inches..thats how i do it