REGGAERICANS perpetual purple SOG

Hey buddy sorry about the loss but that's ok you'll get it all worked out :) man still kicking myself for missing the last thread!
not much tryna, whats the word with you??
and yea smelly i been slackn on getting some pics cause i was pissed bout having to cut the other one, i will get some update pics up tomorrow for sure...

oh oh!!! i do have a few pics of my other sog that i took today let me find the camera and i will post some porn...

and thanks rene i will totally try and be more carefull in the future, the stocks were just way to thick to try and bend... shit happends...
but you know its almost for the better cause now my younglings will have a chance to catch up...
alright so i didnt get that many pics this visit or even get any good quality ones cause they were all sick in the house and i was rushing to get out fast!!!
but they are only about 4 weeks of a 9 week cycle, and if you ask me they arnt looking to bad??? i wish i had time to clean up some of the dead and small growth when i was there... oh well i will go back in the next few days and take care of some buis and take more pics...
lol moash whats crackn man?? anything new to see with your funny jars??
just chillin dude
the jars r fully just waiting on my coco to come in the mail,none of the pet stores had any
so when it comes,there will be some pics of the spawning and probably some sterilizing of some new jars
sweet moash i cant wait to check that out, i was just talking to one of my boys about wanting to try a batch... so give my a # what is total cost for all supplies needed to make??

and thanks beast i sure hope they start fattening up soon...
sweet moash i cant wait to check that out, i was just talking to one of my boys about wanting to try a batch... so give my a # what is total cost for all supplies needed to make??

and thanks beast i sure hope they start fattening up soon...
it depends on what tek u use,but if u do it like me it will cost around 40-50$
thats only if have a pressure cooker...if not,then add about 100$ to it
and those supplies will last for numerous cultivars
sweet! thats not to bad, and yes i do have a preasure cooker already so just as soon as i fand a job i guess i can jump into a whole new world with magic mushrooms...
yea man it sucks to say but i am a broke fucker these days...
me with a job could be bad for someones health!!! bad temper i have...