regular 20w desk lamp with heater set up?


Active Member

I have a regular desk light about 1-2inches away from the top of my small seedling for light and a heater next to it for warmth.

Will this effectively grow the seedling until it is big enough to be put outside in the sunlight heat?

Thanks for any help.


Well-Known Member
what kind of light bulb is it...... a cfl i hope, if so, you might be ok, I'd try to put more light on it though, once it moves outside the sun will be so much more intense than one little cfl it may shock it a bit. what are the temps in the room it's in, cause if the temps are ok, you dont need a heater on it..... if fact, i don't think you'd need a heater on it no matter what.....


Active Member
No, it is just a regular desk lamp, no cfl, is that bad for it? It is just that it is cloudy out so i thought it would get better light off the desk lamp.

It is next to a heater, not on top of it. lol.


Well-Known Member
it's just pretty much worthless...... literally the worst light output..... even though it's cloudy outside, the sun is far more intense that what that light will give it......

I know that the plant is not on the heater, i meant that the heater shouldn't even be needed, as long as it's above 70 degrees in the you honestly think I thought that you had the plant sitting on top of a heater??????


Active Member
LOL Of course not, ok but it is also pretty chilly outside aswell.

I still have my other seedlings outside. I just thought i'd experiment a little bit.

Thanks for the advice man.


Well-Known Member
no problem..... experimentation is always a good thing, as long as you have a back up, which you do, so thats good........ good luck with the grow man....