

Well-Known Member
I am in a dilemma

This girl who I would like to marry some day is catholic. I do not follow any religion and never will. she has expressed that if I am not catholic, I can't be married in a catholic church, rendering our marriage to be a lie??

are ya fucking kidding me?? who need's to get real here? it's a HUGE HUGE thing to ask somebody to take up a religion, especially if there are methods to be followed before you are considered a member. or is it hard to just not be married in a catholic church and have your spouse change his/her views to accommodate what you believe.

I never cared for religion but still never ridiculed any form of it or those who follow a religion; but now it is coming in between me and someone I love and I just don't believe I should follow it, now I actually dislike it. I feel that it's completely over the line and absurd to say the least to ask me to change my views and go against my lifestyle and adopt catholicism. it is not beyond my comprehension that my girlfriend could take her religion and faith so seriously, but I can't understand how she could expect me to become catholic. that is a huge thing..I'm sorry.

what do you think?


New Member
See this is what I don't understand with sad situations like this... Your girlfriend wants you to 'change your views' .. How will this happen? How does someone just force themselves to believe something? Your girlfriend needs to understand that being part of a religion means having faith in the religion.. and that is something that you don't have...

It's just sad that something like religion has to come between love...


Well-Known Member
Honestly if I were you, id end it. You cant just change and start believing in something that is different to your beliefs. Ask her how she would like it if you asked her to become an atheist.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
If she loves you, she loves you for you.The Catholic church is a cult.Do you want your kids to be raised in a cult?This will always be a point of contention with you two.
I am in a dilemma

This girl who I would like to marry some day is catholic. I do not follow any religion and never will. she has expressed that if I am not catholic, I can't be married in a catholic church, rendering our marriage to be a lie??

are ya fucking kidding me?? who need's to get real here? it's a HUGE HUGE thing to ask somebody to take up a religion, especially if there are methods to be followed before you are considered a member. or is it hard to just not be married in a catholic church and have your spouse change his/her views to accommodate what you believe.

I never cared for religion but still never ridiculed any form of it or those who follow a religion; but now it is coming in between me and someone I love and I just don't believe I should follow it, now I actually dislike it. I feel that it's completely over the line and absurd to say the least to ask me to change my views and go against my lifestyle and adopt catholicism. it is not beyond my comprehension that my girlfriend could take her religion and faith so seriously, but I can't understand how she could expect me to become catholic. that is a huge thing..I'm sorry.

what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Thats not sweet dude, i am christian, but you simply cant force someone to be apart of a certain religion if they do not have the belief in it, just explain it to her..tell us what she says....


New Member
This is just a tough situation because if she is content with her religion and he is .. Then there is no compromise... Brainwashed people just don't understand.


Well-Known Member
I am beyond devastated. this is completely tearing me apart. religion is coming between my love. and now...I detest religion so greatly, a passionate hatred for religion has come over me tonight. personally, that is how I feel.


Well-Known Member
I refuse to become anything. I grew up with christian parents who left the catholic church. they do not consider christianity to be a religion, I on the other hand do. I believe in God, but will never consider myself a christian or any other religion.

if I believe in God then I don't need a religion. where in the Bible, show me actual documentation and verse, even page number so I can look it up, does it say that I'm required to be part of a religion?


Well-Known Member
so your an agnostic christian?

and explain how you feel and that even though you love her immensely that cant make you change what you truly believe about religion and she fell in love with you the way you are, why would she want to change anything?


Well-Known Member
exactly..why is this an issue now?

and no, I do not consider myself to be an agnostic christian. if you do, that doesn't matter to me. I consider myself to be a person that believes God created me and this earth and every thing on it. and I've come a long way to believe even that. and that is ALL I am. not an agnostic christian...another pathetic label..


Well-Known Member
tried that, man. she isn't having it. she want's a certain priest to marry us and he won't do it outside of a church.

so basically - it's fucked. I'm probably ending the relationship tonight. kind of feel hopeless in every aspect right now.


Active Member
Religion and love...touchy subject with me. Faithful followers of all Christian religions have a common belief that everyone of us have free agency. Talk with your fiance about free agency and acceptance of others' views. The relationship between the two of you should be strong enough to wade through this. If the love isn't strong enough, then it's probably not meant to be.

Keep in mind however, that a compromise on both parties will probably come in to play. Compromises are's helped to keep my wife and I together for 8 great years. Good luck.:razz:


Well-Known Member
Religion and love...touchy subject with me. Faithful followers of all Christian religions have a common belief that everyone of us have free agency. Talk with your fiance about free agency and acceptance of others' views. The relationship between the two of you should be strong enough to wade through this. If the love isn't strong enough, then it's probably not meant to be.

Keep in mind however, that a compromise on both parties will probably come in to play. Compromises are's helped to keep my wife and I together for 8 great years. Good luck.:razz:

yah man good luck, if its meant to be, it will, and if not, then something better is out there

i hope everything works out for you

i recently had to end a relationship that did not need to be ended... sometimes love isnt enough i guess


Well-Known Member
Go with her to talk to the priest, he may be able to help. There may be some alternative to converting.


Well-Known Member
There are alternatives bro, my friend just could not have the full catholic wedding (thank god!! thats shit is way too long for me to sit through!) he had a partial cerimony but it was still recognized by the church. On the other hand if your girlfriend is forcing you to convert that's another story. Tolerance is key in my book and if someone is truly religious they should be tolerant of others views.


New Member
Maybe you could just make it look like you're going to break up with her... Just to make her understand how serious you are about wanting to be with her.. . Might not be that good of an idea, but if you are planning on doing it anyway ...


Well-Known Member
if you really truley love her, you would do whatever it takes to make her happy. And your willing to end it tonight? My man, i think your not in the right relationship to beginwith. Hopefully im wrong and everything will workout between you.

Personally I wouldnt mind marrying in a catholic church and all that, i dont considermyself to be extremely religious because i think its all to scare people and use them etc, etc, but i like jesus' ideas, i see him as a fellow enlightened stoner.

good luck