remember drink 8 glasses of water a day!

...they say my water is live near you...I'm probable drinking the same shit then...I'm going to do some research and see just exactly what an "Artesian Well" is...becuase it smells like fish , and when i brought a jug in one time to see about using it for my plants, the shit turned yellowish green in about 3 hours...and my RO filters get ruined fast...and the turn red

i was gonna say that artesian well/artesian water sounds good until i just read that post...dude wtf!!! loll
yea, no shit. The r/o membrane turns red?
My bud used to live out there, his showers were full of rust. maybe its high in iron.
...the area where the water comes out by the pond is covered in red deposites...BUT I have been told by pretty much everybody who has seen my house, and everyone who I talk to that the deposites are not took many many years for those rocks to turn red...and people fill up jugs right out there all the time...a few people who used to live out here come by just to fill their water's the best tasting water I ever had....but after it sat in jugs in my grow room for a day or 2 ( 3 hour was joking) did turn a funny color,maybe my light cause it ...idk...but it is great drinking water...and the red stuff is an added fiber

yes, the sediment filter in my RO was red, but the water for that does not go thru the water softner 1st...just strait for well to filter, and the filter was WAY over due to be was so bad that the water presser was like a power wash with the new filter in...I need to change mine at least every 90 days...that one went a whole year:dunce:
i agree with almost all in the post

i drink 2-4 liters of water a day...if you look in my fridge and storage it's filled with jana, evian, volvic and iskilde. i used to have a bigger selection but those four are prob my fav everyday water. i love water. i used to never drink water until i started taking care of my health a few years back.

i'm a big water lover and can actually taste the difference between waters now 8-)

Damn thats a shitload of water.
Anyway I love it to.My favorites fiji
Its so much better for you then soda and shit.Everyone I know thats trying to lose weight I tell them to drink just water and in 2 weeks they say they dropped 1-2 pants sizes.
My wife made me get a water cooler years ago and I always bitched at the price. She'd go nuts if I told her about this, thank god she can't speak English.
not all municipalities fluoridate their water. I know Portland Oregon doesn't. I'd be willing to bet most small cities/towns don't fluoridate. big cities do though. Can't say one way or the other why they do it, makes for a good horror story though. You know they ain't doing it for our collective dental hygene, like the government gives a shit about public health lol.