Removing lower buds


Well-Known Member
Iplan on taking a couple test buds today, myplant has a couple weeks left before harvest though. If I remove some of the lower buds but i will leave the fan leaves will this help the remaining buds fatten up a little more or do you think it will hurt my plant. I have done this before I just want some other opinions....


Well-Known Member
Depends on how far you are into flowering. If their big enough to sample then it will hardly benefit you at all if at all any. If you want to increase bud size, on your next grow, cut all the shoots that haven't made it to the top. The ones that are almost there are ok but trim the rest away. Should be lower 1/3 to 1/2 of the plant. Depends how big the plant is though.


Well-Known Member
Depends on how far you are into flowering. If their big enough to sample then it will hardly benefit you at all if at all any. If you want to increase bud size, on your next grow, cut all the shoots that haven't made it to the top. The ones that are almost there are ok but trim the rest away. Should be lower 1/3 to 1/2 of the plant. Depends how big the plant is though.

Thanks for the reply!!