Removing New Growth


Would it compromise anything important to just keep removing new growth to keep the main stems and instead of more and more side growths?


- the mainstem has 4 stems growing off of it. those 4 are producing 6 new ones, and every node after that going up has 6 at each tier. can i pinch those off to keep just the main stem. or does it matter.


Active Member
you can keep pinching just make sure to quit in time before flower atleast a month since everytime you top/pinch it hurts the floral hormones. I've got an LA right now that's 2months old and still has all summer to grow. I've probably topped it 3or4 times now just to keep it the size I want. If time is an issue and your going to flower soon I woudn't top as much and maybe just do some stress training. I like to cut one ring from a tomato cage out and shove it in my pot and pull all my branches underneath on the outside and push down this way it spreads the branches out wider without them growing taller.

Kb's seeds

Active Member
well it kinda depends, sirlancelot is right by tellin u not to pinch or top anything when u are gonna flower, the plants take that as a animal or bug attack and will stress itself to reproduce, u pinch alot off during flowering or really close to flowering and u might stress ur plant to hermie on u, a plants main point of life is to reproduce itself so if it thinks its being attacked it will try to reproduce u gota remeber plants are living things, that being said depending on how u are trying to train ur plant will depend on where to pinch sum nodes off at, getting a tomato cage or sum bamboo stakes will be a must, u can tie sum of the bottom branches to the stakes to support them and as the plant grows u can tie sum of the top branches to the sides of the tomato cage or bamboo stakes to let more light penetrate the middle and bottom growth causing the plant to grow more into a bush, there are alota ways u can train or top ur plants the best way to find out is to experiment and see what works best, remeber not to go overboard removing any foliage, espcially new growth

Kb's seeds

Active Member
This one kills me everytime lol, why would anyone remove healthy leaves!

the only time i will remove healthy leaves is if im pruning to allow the bottom branches to get more light, even then i will only select one or two big healthy fan leaves to take off the plant, other than that the only time i can think of when its okay to remove new growth is when u are topping a plant since u have to pinch the node off u are removing a small part of sum new growth, but usually il let the healthy leaves turn yellow and wait til there brittle and almost falling off the branch before i remove them, but if i get a clone from a friend and its infested with mites il remove all the leaves healthy or not that have hella mite eggs on them and put the plant into quarentine, thas as bout as haywire i go on removing green leaf is when its infested, i dont use pesticides i use predator mites to fight spider mites so getting as many spider mite eggs off the plant before i introduce the predator mites makes it easier to control the bugs, u dont have as many spider mites hatching since alota the leaves with the eggs are gone so the predator mites get the upper hand quicker