Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Weed Modifier
omg thx all of you for being so helpful most people didnt care enough to help me thru this i really appreciate it
thats what we are here for ....and i believe if you pick up more lights.... get another cheap fan so you will have at least 2 for your closet, you want a good flow of air blowing on them!


ok i have to go to sleep but yea if you look back i gave those measurements fab if you could just leave them here ill check them either tomarrow morning or night again THX ALL OF YOU FOR THE REP AND HELP good night


New Member
bro i told u we r lazy stoners lol jk i am just messing with u bro
we will get u squared away soon

ok i have to go to sleep but yea if you look back i gave those measurements fab if you could just leave them here ill check them either tomarrow morning or night again THX ALL OF YOU FOR THE REP AND HELP good night


New Member
what u running now for actually wattage and did u say u had 4 plants ?

ok well when i get paid this friday im gonna go out and get me some good stuff i just switch the lighting to all night because it was getting wayyy to hot in my grow room so now things should start picking up with the mylar and extra lights do you guys know how many extra lights i should get or should i just up the watts on my cfls?


Weed Modifier
full spectrum...natural/daylight...5000-6500k for veg but i have one thats 4000k for veg too so mixed? cool blue for shorter node spacing during veg.
red 2500k tends to make em stretch a bit.... good for flowering! and i hit em from all angles to unsure best use of my


New Member
where the fuck is rene she always bitches no one post on her thread
she sure didnt get a invite to this party

lime did u forget to send the invite


Weed Modifier
where the fuck is rene she always bitches no one post on her thread
she sure didnt get a invite to this party

lime did u forget to send the invite
Sleeping? lmao no im clear on this one i told her, she said she was going to bed!

I invited her so she can't get mad at me :-P


Well-Known Member
well i sent her a brb about 6 hrs ago think she might be mad about that?
Lmao fab I'm quite aware when you say brb you won't be I decided to ditch riu for the night and talked to lime till bed I needed the sleep or yall would be seeing grizz today! Happy to see you all had a nice party and were able to help :)


Well-Known Member
Haha... i was going to post a bunch of pics while you where sleeping, but knew you'd be pissed if i did that! ;) How are yah bitches doing???
Hell yeah I'd get pissed off at ya you haven't been sharing..tsk tsk been 2 weeks and still nothing *sigh* lol but had you done it I'd still get to see pics so now kinda bummed ya did haha yeah there really is no pleasing women! Haha the plants are all doing well I got too tired to take more cuttings last night pretty bummed though pretty sure annie is really andy lol that was one my favorites but no worries I did want males so I can breed more :) love playing mad scientist haha makes me think of dr horribles sing along blog...anyone seen that hmm I'm ramndom today maybe time for some rambles!


Weed Modifier
Hell yeah I'd get pissed off at ya you haven't been sharing..tsk tsk been 2 weeks and still nothing *sigh* lol but had you done it I'd still get to see pics so now kinda bummed ya did haha yeah there really is no pleasing women! Haha the plants are all doing well I got too tired to take more cuttings last night pretty bummed though pretty sure annie is really andy lol that was one my favorites but no worries I did want males so I can breed more :) love playing mad scientist haha makes me think of dr horribles sing along blog...anyone seen that hmm I'm ramndom today maybe time for some rambles!
What don't like it when a man holds back, you women do it all the time to us! lmao......" no pleasing women " well we can try but it never is enuff??? huh...

Annie's = Andy, well if it is Wow that's gonna be a nice Male!!! wtf...well you did say you wanted one ;)


Well-Known Member
What don't like it when a man holds back, you women do it all the time to us! lmao......" no pleasing women " well we can try but it never is enuff??? huh...

Annie's = Andy, well if it is Wow that's gonna be a nice Male!!! wtf...well you did say you wanted one ;)
Haha oh yeah woman do this but when it comes to my plants how often do I hold back lime hmmm I always show people when they take interest in my grow..except for now lol I can't post so haven't put up any new pics someone was suppose to and didn't so fab posted at least 3 for me I'm back to if I can't post oh well just means I have to wait till I can don't like bugging others to post for me....


Well-Known Member
Ok guys so annie definitely an andy :( but that's ok! So out of the grow room he goes and in goes kloe and nicole :) kloee I am sure is a girl but honestly I fucking suck with sexing them who knows nicole may really be a nick lmao we will see if I was right about that one...


good luck on that nicole we have one thing in common is we both cant sex great lol but thx for the advice guys i should be getting more lights and mylar friday