Reparations MADE

What do you mean? I was standing up for you, he had an inaccurate photo of you :(
can you list anyone else who is upset about transgender kids playing sports besides you, the slimiest, shittiest right wing fucktards, neonazis, and Donald junior?
can you list anyone else who is upset about transgender kids playing sports besides you, the slimiest, shittiest right wing fucktards, neonazis, and Donald junior?
I really think it's only you that is upset. No one brings up the issue out of the blue, except for yourself. Most of us are completely unaffected by the controversy and unfortunately that puts your issue near the back of the mind.
the tulsa one yes i can see repurations for them, that should have never happenen, and from what i hear they are trying to strike from the history books in fact they are trying to strike alot of history out the books.....if they're going for DNA and such better start from LA and move east and north at all those cotton mills and factories......Texas technically was a slave state in fact once you crossed into Texas most people who were considered slaves were just had one thing to fight as it were....and that was the native americans...

budman, Tulsa wasn't even in the history books.
budman, Tulsa wasn't even in the history books.

yeah that's what i've been reading today about. So just for the heck of it i put in google "why isn't the tulsa massacre taught in schools?" boy u see the stuff i've been finding.....and from the looks of it, they're also trying to still keep it out of the schools too.....that's if i am right....

found this...

nice article from the wall street journal...
I really think it's only you that is upset. No one brings up the issue out of the blue, except for yourself.
that's pure projection and you still haven't listed anyone

Total cuck reply, at least stand behind your own shitty and retarded views
I really think it's only you that is upset. No one brings up the issue out of the blue, except for yourself. Most of us are completely unaffected by the controversy and unfortunately that puts your issue near the back of the mind.

i have to tell you that Kelly-Anne Guilfoyle sure looks manly.
"Like mommy" is probably better.
My views align with the Trump family? Mooray, please stay out of the troll games. You always try to come off as above it, but you're picking up the Buck strategy of 'invent a connection'.
What is the most libertarian aspect of busybodying children's sports

It would depend if the sports organization was funded via force / taxation or if the sports organization was private.

If it was private, the libertarian aspect would be to support it, if a given libertarian valued it and not to support it if a different libertarian didn't find value in it. It would involve free choice of the individual libertarian to associate or not.

If it were force funded like in a government school situation the libertarian aspect (perspective) would be to malign the coercion. Since to be an actual libertarian you would frown on the initiation of aggression used to fund government schools.

You're welcome, nincompoop.