Repopulating The Planet!


Well-Known Member
With the beginning of a new grow we all run into the problem of some seeds being male, throw them away right? Wrong! What we should do as avid marijuana growers is find somewhere in our area that we could plant said male to flourish in nature. The idea is that it grows so this upcoming outdoor season would be a prime time.

The next step would be to take clones of your female and planting them in the same area to flourish as well. The idea is that they will produce seed and maybe, just maybe will start to grow natural year after year.

As a result of continued growth as the ideal, you should plant these in an area they are not likely to get found and cut down. If you're willing, we can repopulate the world.

Thanks for listening.:joint:


Well-Known Member
sounds like a great idea...... the only issue is that the weed will become shitty because we don't have any control over what gets pollinated, and by what, so you end up with a sort of hemp, rather than good herb growing everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Its not so much about growing good herb as just letting the plant grow. It used to be the most widely spread plant and now governments spend money just to make sure it grows no where, so I say lets make it harder on them.


Active Member
Dude thats a fucking great idea.
If you smoke and you don't want to keep the seeds you should plant them in spots where you believe they would grow best. Perhaps it would grow.


Well-Known Member
its a good idea...i'll say that. But i live in an area where they would never last a sucks. "sad panda"


Well-Known Member
i am considering germinating a bunch of seeds(i have tons of bagseed) and just planting then randomly so weed starts growing everywhere........I live in the city so im sure none would last till nesxt year but it would still be cool to see pot plants growing everywhere


Well-Known Member
Fantastic idea. Just read your grow guides. This is a weed, right? This stuff will grow just about anywhere, right? I even read this stuff will grow "in spite of you" (LOL). So why don't we see it growing all over the place? Time we acted and made sure it bloody well does. Great post mate! Let's do it!!!

Grow well,
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