Reporting poor Lucky's trials


Active Member
My first born plant, Lucky, which has already been through multiple life saving emergency transfers and cleansings between soil mixes and finally the DWC bubbler- is getting another problem. In a mere 3 hours, the leaves have curled up and the edges fried black, the new sprouting set of leaves remain unharmed luckily. As soon as I saw this, I cleaned the water out and now Im only running clean bottled water until this condition subsides.

This first grow of mine is teaching me a lot. Weird thing is- 3 hours ago when I last saw my plant, I didnt add or do anything to the plant or light or general area. Just, suddenly, it curled up and burned. But much of it is still green so Im trying to save it.

Just a report. If anyone wants to add anything, go ahead- I have a question too: Burnt and curling indicates nute burn, huh? Is it a good thing I just washed out the water and its now sitting in clean bubbling water? It definately isnt heat stress- its one measely 60 W CFL under a cheap soda-can reflector, as its been for its entire life.

I think I may know the problem. Last ngiht before lights went out, I put like 3 drops of plant food ON the plant leaves. Incidentally, my mom used the same plant food and tested it out on one of her huge house plants- that plant's leaves began to droop and curl at the ends. I think whatever I used aws too strong for my tiny plant's leaves. Luckily I washed it all out. So I think itll go back to normal?


Well-Known Member
my plant did this too but i forgot to water it which normally if i hadent it would be a problem id water the nextd time i saw it but within 9 hours it curled up on me.. hope it all goes well with you and hope others can help but i don't know what a bubler or any of that is.. haha