rescued plant from bad grow has yello fiberglass insalation

if you have fiberglass in the roots throw it away. trying to remove the fiberglass will cut the roots and make it shrivel and dye. growing it out and smoking something that has been sitting in a hazardous substance made out of glass is pretty much asking to die a slow and painful death.


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if maybe its in rockwool? I cant imagine why anyone would ever think it was a good idea to put insulation material in with their soil, not even a super noob. lol


Well-Known Member
good point dark.

joc, i think thats a bit overboard man if the roots are in a bit of insulation its fine ...u think the glass is gonna travel up the stem into the buds? insulation isnt going to hurt it at all. IMO
im usein a wii 4 inter net but verry soon i will have pics and this plant was with one outher wit a mh 150 watt like 2 feet away bouth plants wer streched prtty good the one i took cant stand on its own got suport at the bace of the stem and a string from the top of the plant to the celing the lower branches r long skinny kinda vine like they dont stand on ther own just kinda lay on the top of the pot it is in iv just never seen anything like the yello stuf on the roots

o the plant is 22 1/2in like 8 weeks i have clones that r at 6 weeks and this plant towers over them i hope iv been abul 2 paint a mentel pic to hold yall over till i get the real thing and will post pics of the transplant