Revenge on Ganja Thiefs


Staff member
Sunni- you are in Alaska now?

How do ya think a gold miner would react to busting his ass for 6 months and someone trying to steal his 6 month paycheck? Over some gold? Is that sick?
you realize this OP is 18

and you people are advocating him to do something potentially very illegal and start something in his area which could lead to repercussions and serious physical harm to him and the woman and child in his home

over being fucking angry about plants...
lol wow you would rather murder someone...than create a solution to your problem that doesnt cause violence ? wow

... thats sick man...over some fucking plants?
lol no i definitely wouldn't kill them, but fuck I'm pissed and I'm getting them back somehow, just looking for suggestions. I might not retaliate for months until they're least expecting it, but something they're not gonna enjoy is going down eventually.
Are you 100% certain you got YOUR plants back? I would have taken all his plants .
im 101% sure they're my plants, same pots same shape same training, less than a kilometre away... yeah they're mine, i know my babies when i see them


Staff member
lol no i definitely wouldn't kill them, but fuck I'm pissed and I'm getting them back somehow, just looking for suggestions. I might not retaliate for months until they're least expecting it, but something they're not gonna enjoy is going down eventually.

im 101% sure they're my plants, same pots same shape same training, less than a kilometre away... yeah they're mine, i know my babies when i see them
so be pissed nothing wrong with being pissed, learn from this experience dont leave your plants outside your front door, now you know someone can steal easily.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so as you can probably tell by the title, i have had my weed plants stolen. But don't worry, i found the 3 beautiful amnesia outdoor plants which i spent 5 months honing, the stupid thief took them in the pots and let them continue to grow at his house, and through perseverance me and my grow partner jointly found the plants at a neighbours house. So i got a team of about 6 guys, we went up there ready for a fight, but thankfully (kinda) they weren't home, and we took the plants back, pots and all and harvested them. I somehow managed not to burn down their house (as much as i wanted to) because i don't know the neighbour and what he's capable of, and i don't think its worth starting a war when I'm often leaving the house with just a little child and woman to protect it and i live in a very rural foresty area where neighbours are far apart from each other.
I found two other plants and a outdoor drying room at the house, i didnt take the plants because I'm totally against stealing such a personal thing and wouldn't feel right smoking it (also don't want the potential turf war), although i am rather suspicious that they're stolen aswell. But I'm just looking for ideas that will seriously f**k with the neighbours, creep them out, hurt them, without it being traceable to me (they don't have any concrete reason to believe it was me who took the plants back). I was thinking of going up to the drying room and putting some nasty shit on the weed, preferably something that will cause them immense pain upon smoking. Im trying to think of something which will make them suddenly realise that stealing is wrong and that they will think is a big smack in the face from karma.
So yeah, just post any evil ideas u have to mess these disgusting humans up, psychologically aswell as physically, coz I'm sure a lot of you have had your plants stolen before, and its a gut wrenching feeling, not to mention a huge invasion of privacy (mine were right outside my front door and then i got up in the morning to find empty trays and no pots or pot)

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
hopefully you cool out after more time passes and you can see the big picture.

in the meantime, you have nearly another entire year to get surreptitiously familiarized with that neighbor and properly implement a stronger defense. imo, even though it is your land, you must have better security like fencing or greenhouse and cameras.

you are young and aren't acquainted with loss like that, but as time goes on, this type occurrence happens to most everyone at some point and they manage to move on without overreacting. be thankful your home wasn't broken into and everyone slaughtered.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
lol no i definitely wouldn't kill them, but fuck I'm pissed and I'm getting them back somehow, just looking for suggestions. I might not retaliate for months until they're least expecting it, but something they're not gonna enjoy is going down eventually.

im 101% sure they're my plants, same pots same shape same training, less than a kilometre away... yeah they're mine, i know my babies when i see them
You made a mistake by not taking ALL of your neighbors plants and not just only yours. by doing this you inadvertently revealed yourself. Now, thinking this through, I don't think you should do a single thing to retaliate. Let time calm you down, you aren't prepared to do anything aggressive. Defense is your only option now.


Well-Known Member
Abe is right about only taking yours was a rookie mistake.

Sunni- still waiting for your response.


Staff member
Abe is right about only taking yours was a rookie mistake.

Sunni- still waiting for your response.
your question is irrelevant and placed in a way to prove your own point, it is not a non biased question
i refuse ot answer as it will only make it so you can say AH HA! I TOLD YOU SO
ive also lived in alaska for a whole 2 months, i know nothing about the gold mining here and have no interest in it

my opinion still stands,
if you wanna advocate some 18 year old to retaliate and possibly have something bad happen to him and his family, thats cool
im not that kinda person and im allowed ot tell op what i think


Well-Known Member
No..not at all ...I was just curious if you would feel the same if the word Plants were replaced with gold. Living in Alaska I'm sure you have come across gold panners n miners.

I just irritates me when I see that quote " over some fucking plants"
No..not at all ...I was just curious if you would feel the same if the word Plants were replaced with gold. Living in Alaska I'm sure you have come across gold panners n miners.

I just irritates me when I see that quote " over some fucking plants"
yeah they really are more than some fucking plants, like i invested a looot of time and effort into them and when your caring for a living organism for so long you genuinely do make a connection with it that you wouldnt get with an non-living object, not to get on some hippy dippy shit but its true


Staff member
No..not at all ...I was just curious if you would feel the same if the word Plants were replaced with gold. Living in Alaska I'm sure you have come across gold panners n miners.

I just irritates me when I see that quote " over some fucking plants"
i just dont think plants require such action that could lead to having his child and woman become in danger
so yes i use the quote over some fucking plants

his family wasnt slaughtered his house wasnt broken into and he didnt have thousands of dollars in damage done to him, he had plants stolen which he recovered back, he also has no security set up to shield himself from any type of potential stealing, he has them outside his front door, he should've put them in the back yard thats covered a bit,
i know that just because you have plants outfront doesnt mean he desvered to have his plants stolen he doesnt and it was wrong of them to do such, but it happens, front yards have things stolen from them ALL the time.

and no i have no idea about gold panners or miners in alaksa, ive not met any i dont want to reveal where i live in alaksa because GWN lives here and for the safety of my husband
but where i live isnt exactly a hot spot for gold panning,

yeah they really are more than some fucking plants, like i invested a looot of time and effort into them and when your caring for a living organism for so long you genuinely do make a connection with it that you wouldnt get with an non-living object, not to get on some hippy dippy shit but its true
than set up yourself properly with a fenced in back yard, or green houses and cameras, if i owned something of significant value to me, that i worked and dedicated my time to that i know other people will want from me , i dont just stick it on my front lawn to be stolen
. imo, even though it is your land, you must have better security like fencing or greenhouse and cameras.


Well-Known Member
Agreed Jah . I love relaxing in the garden. There is also the overt act of invading someone's personal property and stealing... If you let that slide ..they will return... People like Sunni have the attitude of " its never acceptable to react violently" I disagree ..In a perfect world, she's right..but this world has many scumbags and degenerates. Its a very unrealistic view.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I would argue by not addressing the issue he would be putting his woman and child in danger..maybe next time the guy sees no plants n wants the jars and bags inside the home.
go for the indica core, rest easy.they guy has already been through it and is hyped up. by overtly claiming only 'his' plants from weasel, neighbor knows that's he's been identified. reason to assume it wldnt escalate from neighbors end.. much more.


Well-Known Member
Besides, no death penalty in Spain, he'd likely get just 20 yrs if he doesn't hurt any kids. And, if he has some money, judges can be bribed....down to 5 yrs. If he knows any pols, maybe get it down to community service. :)
Nope, if the shit hits the fan and la policia are involved they will take sides with a local cuntalan teenager rather than an honest extranjero.

Best to stay out of houses as this is more punishable than stealing plants out of the garden.

It's only legal to grow in the garden as long as it isn't visible, otherwise you get a multa (fine).