

sadly, i think it will take alot more of this kind of action for the government to realize that they are losing the battle horribly.... if only we'd legalize drugs.....

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
sadly, i think it will take alot more of this kind of action for the government to realize that they are losing the battle horribly.... if only we'd legalize drugs.....
Amen Gogrow! I completely agree with what you said even though it is in fact very very sad.


Active Member
its gonna keep on being that way until this so called war on drugs ends here in the states... well let that be a lesson to everyone the killing wont stop until prohibition stops


Well-Known Member
I knew some payback would happen for them killing that drug lord.We do need to get more of a Amsterdam type of drug policy going on but I think the U.S. gov is to stupid to realise how good there drug policy is.They probably dont want it to seem like the Amsterdam officials are smarter then them also.


Well-Known Member
WOW... I'm kinda taken back by this. I mean.. Who knew little tiny Mexicans could break a door down:confused:

Am i being insensitive here:-|


I knew some payback would happen for them killing that drug lord.We do need to get more of a Amsterdam type of drug policy going on but I think the U.S. gov is to stupid to realise how good there drug policy is.They probably dont want it to seem like the Amsterdam officials are smarter then them also.
Not only are they too stupid, they actually have conservative news programs like fox news diss on Amsterdam!

I remember the report.."In Amsterdam, happy stoners unite to smoke pot in coffee shops, prostitution is legal, blah blah blah." That's just how Uncle Sam is these days. Sad.