Rhino's in the wild & scrogged indoors


Well-Known Member
So I think the OD are finishing the stretch and starting to get ready for flower power mode. I am still having trouble with whatever is eating my leaves... little rust spots everywhere...only on the big patch(tallest branch is pushing 8ft.) not on the little(which is now stretching past 6 ft.) I am thinking about trying this product. Anyone ever use this before or have any better reccomendations.. Still real early so I am not too worried about spraying insecticide now... I would rather do it the next two weeks rather than wait and be screwed later.

Here is what I wanna try http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=7434-316-HG-62325-3&lpage=none


Well-Known Member
Hmmm rust spots sounds like a MG or CA deffinecy. Got some pics? If it is infact a MG or CA deff. pick you up some dolomite garden lime and pour around base of plant.



Well-Known Member
Ok, so this is the damage I am seeing on random places throughout the garden.. Not really sure what to do... Should I spray with insecticide just to be safe?



Well-Known Member
In the pictures that you can see my finger in...my finger is being held level with the top of my head when taking the pic... so you can see how much taller the plant is than that. I am 6 ft. My indoors really didn;t stretch must past the first 10-12 days of flower.. so I am hoping this girl is done stretching... All of these plants were topped by the way.


Well-Known Member
Just noticed the presence of spider mites on my scrog... a little disappointing.(Might have been from taking them outside a few times for some natural daylight).. Having them outside overnight let the condensation settle on the little webs... Doesn't appear to be super crazy infestation, but I think I may harvest early to save any further damage. I noticed some amber trichs on one of my colas today... most are milky tho.. Anyone every harvested this strain before want to give me some insight here. I might chop the top colas and leave the bottoms on for another week or so to finish up. According the the breeder, the strain is suposedly read in 45-60 days... Today is day 56 for me... Should they come down now or wait it out a little while?


Well-Known Member
spider mites are bad. you can let them keep going but watch them closely. if you start seeing mites on the buds i'd pill them. or drop a pyrethium bomb and go 2 more weeks.


Well-Known Member
spider mites are bad. you can let them keep going but watch them closely. if you start seeing mites on the buds i'd pill them. or drop a pyrethium bomb and go 2 more weeks.
Thanks 4 the advice.. I think I am gonna take the more mature scrog tonight.. and let the other scrog and the other plant in flower continue on for a while. I guess I should look into a pyrethium bomb because the larger plant in flower is only on day 30.. have yet to seen any mites on that plant, but i guess it is inevitable because they all live in the same area together.

Additionally my scrog that got early nute burn looks much further behind the one I will chop tonight, not as dense and the calyxes are not swollen like the other one.

Appreciate everyone's help and comments along the way.. this place ROCKS!!


Well-Known Member
So I decided to take a sample bud that looked the ripest. Before trim was 3.0 grams. after trim 2.0 grams.. so im guessing about .05 when it is dried..It is a chunky little nugget.

Just flushed the shit out of the scrogs today considering the change in plans. Each scrog 5 got gallons of collected rain water... the end is in site... Just gonna watch my variables and make the chop any day now... This will also give me a baseline as too when I should harvest the outdoors...

Cheers to all who helped along the way and to all of the followers too:weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
It sure is Doc.. Thanks again for the Youtube upload... still can't figure it out hahah.. Do you need to enter the advanced tab and use any of the functions in there to do it?


Boulderheads - just wanted to say both your outdoor and indoor grows look awesome. Also that's a great looking nugget, happy smokin.

Ok now the question. I was wondering if for your scrog grow you topped the plants? I've been through the posts a couple of times, so if you already elaborated and I missed it and apologize.

I look forward to seeing how the rest of your grow finishes. Thanks SD


Well-Known Member
Boulderheads - just wanted to say both your outdoor and indoor grows look awesome. Also that's a great looking nugget, happy smokin.

Ok now the question. I was wondering if for your scrog grow you topped the plants? I've been through the posts a couple of times, so if you already elaborated and I missed it and apologize.

I look forward to seeing how the rest of your grow finishes. Thanks SD
Hey man, glad you stopped by, and that you enjoyed the journal. When I took the clones for the scrog some of them had naturally been topped.. (just the way I took the clones, 1 plant had 4 lateral growths and no real designated vertical top.) But yes I would most certainly top any plant that is destined for scrog.. you do not want vertical grow, you want lateral.

(You can achieve lateral growth by bending a main vertical growth on its side and forcing it under the screen.. but I think topping the plant early and often is beneficial to scrogging...this is only my first time with the concept though.)

If you are going to put several plants under 1 screen you prob do not need to top as it would get too crowded... but for one plant under 1 screen I would advise topping.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
It sure is Doc.. Thanks again for the Youtube upload... still can't figure it out hahah.. Do you need to enter the advanced tab and use any of the functions in there to do it?

Nah, it's quite easy oncew you figure it out;) took me 6 months to figure it out though!! LOL :hump:

just cut and paste the youtube code, erase everything from the equal sign and before the equal sign, close it in with youtube brackets, and your good to go