RIP Charlie.

Even if you don't like country music, Charlie was at the top of of his game.

"Kiss An Angel Good Mornin'" would be his biggest mainstream hit, rising to No. 21 on the Billboard Top 100 chart. He had No. 1 country singles in the 1960s, '70s and '80s. He won three Grammy Awards, as well as a lifetime achievement award in 2017. He was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2000.

RIP I can remember fighting with my dad about Charley and if he was a Blackman dad thought he was white you know no Blackman can sing country he was a racist asshole but my mother and I would turn up the stereo just to piss him off good memories thanks for all the good times Charley :peace:
I know more than a few people who thought he was white ( a age long before the internet) and was stunned to find out other wise but I’ve never known anyone to stop listening or throw away their 8 tracks because he was black.

Rip Mr. Pride