Riu Growing Records?


Well-Known Member
I think it would be cool to start a new thread where this forums finest growers could showcase their grow.
how about.....

Thickest cola?
Biggest and smallest yielding plant?

im sure theres more stuff that could be added but thats a stoned grower can think of.

I share my internet time divided by this forum and my other hobby on a Bimmerforums.com BMW Online Forum dedicated to owners suspension brakes handling power turbo . horse power and time records are boasted to a competitive forum whos goal is to outdo others. the top dogs command respect in a respected community.
Ego's get bruised. people accuse others of false documentations. bad words ensue, mothers names being brought up, member terminations, arrests, bankruptcy , suicided, but hey it makes for a great read!!

anyone have any thoughts on this topic?
admins as judges?
