RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
that's fucked,absolutely fucked & goes to show how he has zero limits of respectability.

no fucking body here wants to see his penis ,he should be ashamed but I know he isn't .
You fucking loved it, g-pops. I know you did. What was not to love? It was erect and swollen. I was looking at a picture of Hiallry when I shot it. She is winning btw... You are not mad are you? Sure you aren't


Well-Known Member

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
then i need to up my game. clinton is winning bigly.
your doing fine Buck ,when I joined riu a decade ago I was a 35 year democrat,the longer you posted the more I saw what's hijacked the democratic party,just 18 months ago 90% of america was oblivious to what a social justice warrior is,now 90% is aware of you guys & you created the millions of angry trump rally goers,every mob attacking a family & wanting to burn them alive drives voters away,every female chased,cornered & eggs smashed in her face by 70 sjw's like you causes more voters to flee the party as I did,every mob chasing 10 year old kids down & beating them up makes Americans despise social justice warriors more & more.

People are seeing the horrific rottenness social justice warriors operate by & its galvanizing Americans against you until you wind up a shit stain memory exactly like the radical Hippy's I grew up with.

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
kinda don't have time to play your game right now being my wife is writhing in agony & needs to to watch her until the Dilaudid I just administered her takes effect on her pain .

Maybe you'd like a quick 3 or 4 minute video of her squirming all over the sofa doubling up in severe nerve pain,you'd get a big kick watching her hands clench white & her legs shake while her head drips sweat,you'd have material to degrade her for months.

Want a video of her pain so you can see 1st fucking hand what you laugh at ? she's out of it right now & wouldn't even know & I'd bet anything you'd make great fun of her pain .

Every rotten post you make you drive people away from voting democrat .
I am very sorry to hear that. Even if those guys had a sick relative - I would never say anything bad.

Hillary? She is a mass murdering neocon like the Bushes, Bill and O. How many millions have they killed in their phony wars? I have no sympathy for her. Her fingerprints are all over Libya, Syria, Waco and other places.


When will Satan call them all home?


Well-Known Member
your doing fine Buck ,when I joined riu a decade ago I was a 35 year democrat,the longer you posted the more I saw what's hijacked the democratic party,just 18 months ago 90% of america was oblivious to what a social justice warrior is,now 90% is aware of you guys & you created the millions of angry trump rally goers,every mob attacking a family & wanting to burn them alive drives voters away,every female chased,cornered & eggs smashed in her face by 70 sjw's like you causes more voters to flee the party as I did,every mob chasing 10 year old kids down & beating them up makes Americans despise social justice warriors more & more.

People are seeing the horrific rottenness social justice warriors operate by & its galvanizing Americans against you until you wind up a shit stain memory exactly like the radical Hippy's I grew up with.
Cry some more, old man.

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
your doing fine Buck ,when I joined riu a decade ago I was a 35 year democrat,the longer you posted the more I saw what's hijacked the democratic party,just 18 months ago 90% of america was oblivious to what a social justice warrior is,now 90% is aware of you guys & you created the millions of angry trump rally goers,every mob attacking a family & wanting to burn them alive drives voters away,every female chased,cornered & eggs smashed in her face by 70 sjw's like you causes more voters to flee the party as I did,every mob chasing 10 year old kids down & beating them up makes Americans despise social justice warriors more & more.

People are seeing the horrific rottenness social justice warriors operate by & its galvanizing Americans against you until you wind up a shit stain memory exactly like the radical Hippy's I grew up with.
Speak the truth brother.


Well-Known Member
I am very sorry to hear that. Even if those guys had a sick relative - I would never say anything bad.

Hillary? She is a mass murdering neocon like the Bushes, Bill and O. How many millions have they killed in their phony wars? I have no sympathy for her. Her fingerprints are all over Libya, Syria, Waco and other places.
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When will Satan call them all home?

Drink, get in your car, and drive real fast on a deserted highway.

I'll buy the drinks.