Ron Paul For President,Pass It On


Well-Known Member
I think Ron Paul is great but I think Paul is to old- he is great and I will vote for him if given the opertunity but I wish he would have been elected earlier


Active Member
I love Ron Paul, would totally vote for him, he stands by his word, hasn't once swayed from his stances. which is exactly why I don't think he would ever become president. banksters and corporate interests control the flow of things.

the thing with the neo cons, or atleast the ones I see on cspan or the news whatever, is they need to stop responding to all the "obammy is a muslim" "hes not muricen" "hes gonna socialize our freedoms" blah blah blah, these are the talking points that Ron Paul's contenders are using, and every time fuckers got up and applauded that shit. They need to start careing about what their candidate will Actually do, and less about personal preferances like "he looks like the type of guy i could have a beer with" or "I'm gonna vote bible" these morons think if everyone woulda just voted Red instead of Blue everything would've been solved. as far as I'm concerned, Obammy might as well be republican, I mean everytime he folds to their needs. he never takes any strong stance or sticks by anything he says, his bipartisinnessship is sickening, this isn't what I voted for, as if I had any choice to begin with.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is the guy that won't stand in the way of weed legalization. Will end foreign wars and
predicted the economic mess today, SEVERAL years before it happened and more importantly understands why it happened and what the solution is.

Why anybody here, a weed forum, would vote for the standard Dumb ass either the Democrats or Republicans trot out there every 4 years is hard for me to figure out. Should Ron Paul not run, Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico also walks the walk.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is the guy that won't stand in the way of weed legalization. Will end foreign wars and
predicted the economic mess today, SEVERAL years before it happened and more importantly understands why it happened and what the solution is.

Why anybody here, a weed forum, would vote for the standard Dumb ass either the Democrats or Republicans trot out there every 4 years is hard for me to figure out. Should Ron Paul not run, Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico also walks the walk.
I would vote for Paul and agree with you but do you think his age/health could be an issue? I hope he runs, I would also like to see Ventura run

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If Ron Paul runs he will be harder for the mainstream media to cast in a negative light, since most of the things he said about economic hard times, foreign wars and unintended consequences etc. in 2008 have occurred. Head to head there's nobody that can touch his logic. So the media will make an issue of his age and hope an idiot like Romney can get the nomination. Incidentally Romney is well into his 60s...but he's not getting any smarter.

Ventura is an interesting guy, but I doubt he runs. Although I'd love to see him suphlex "the Donald" in a steel cage match for charity.

Gary Johnson is in his might start hearing more about him as he had alot of success in New Mexico, with keeping government in check, small budgets etc. He's also a fan of ending marijuana prohibition and a pretty down to earth guy to talk to.


Well-Known Member

"by the way, ron paul can't get elected. sorry to tell you that. and you know what else, i like ron paul, i think he's a good guy, but honestly he has just zero chance of getting elected." - donald trump
