Ron Paul Revolution


Well-Known Member
Agreed. What do you think Ron Paul's chances are of actually winning the Republican nomination? Like you said in your first post it seems that "the powers that be" don't want to see him win.

Ron Paul's chances are dim if he does not get more money to finance a steam-roller. He needs a million people each week to put $10 on their credit or debit cards.

Money is what makes a front-runner in American politics. The reporters will camp on his doorstep other candidates will blow away.

Also, numbers of contributors will roll his wagon down the road. A million Americans on the same side make people take notice.

I am not a fan or enemy of Paul's. The last time I saw his web site it sucked. People believe you cannot be a good president if the web site is stupid. He really needs to work this angle.

BTW Associated Press did a decent 2 minute video of his today.


Well-Known Member
The last time I saw his web site it sucked. People believe you cannot be a good president if the web site is stupid. He really needs to work this angle.
thats a funny statement considering that Ron Paul has the largest Internet following in the history of the Internet. his web based grass roots campaign has totally blown the competition away. his site did suck back in march/april... but much has changed.

there is a very deep, very powerful momentum building right now and the support is rising up through the efforts of people who carry Dr. Paul's message to other people. no amount of glitzy advertising or fancy brochures can do what word of mouth can, trust me, i've never spent one cent on advertising but i keep busy.



Well-Known Member
Two Million in one day? Damn, it takes me a whole year to earn that much! ~lol~

i think he might have gone over $4 mill! last night had a front page line mentioning him "Ron Paul claims to raise $2.1 mil", so it would seem nearly obligatory that they mention this substantially greater amount. has a story about some multi-armed child-goddess in India while now has a story about a bomb in Afgh....



Well-Known Member
$4.3 million in 24 hrs., baby!!! Over 7.2 million and counting, from ordinary Americans, no special interest money, in approximately 1/3 of the time it took him to raise his "impressive" $5.2 million last quarter. I read people are pushing for $20 million by Christmas. The more media exposure, the more donors!!! They're gonna be doing this every week until christmas!


The comments on the website are outdated. The encouragement just from the live streaming of support (and supporters' names) tells me his web-designer deserves a hell of a lot of credit, actually.


Well-Known Member
Hillary will eat him alive,~LOL~.
bring your commie queen on! remember what i said about her; "emotional break down"!!! "screaming"!!! that's what you'll get if that lying corporate garbage faces Ron Paul in debate.

i just noticed that hillary has in her pocket too. type hillary clinton in's search... her campaign site is number one. type ron paul and his campaign site isn't even on the first page. lol, corporate garbage.

it's so funny to me how the would-be, fake anti-establishment goons back hillary - the most establishment candidate running!



New Member
bring your commie queen on! remember what i said about her; "emotional break down"!!! "screaming"!!! that's what you'll get if that lying corporate garbage faces Ron Paul in debate.

i just noticed that hillary has in her pocket too. type hillary clinton in's search... her campaign site is number one. type ron paul and his campaign site isn't even on the first page. lol, corporate garbage.

it's so funny to me how the would-be, fake anti-establishment goons back hillary - the most establishment candidate running!

Never said I backed her, just stating a fact. Ron Paul is too timid and polite, Hillary would eat him for breakfast



Well-Known Member
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.” - Ghandi

i know you don't technically "support" her even though you will vote for her. an amazing feat of logic.

am i the only one in shock about that blatant corporate censorship??



New Member
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.” - Ghandi

i know you don't technically "support" her even though you will vote for her. an amazing feat of logic.

am i the only one in shock about that blatant corporate censorship??

Why would you be, He doesnt fit the mold and can't be bought, hence no chance of winning. You are throwing your money away. Start supporting Barak Obama and make him win over Hillary. I believe he is somewhat better, not perfect but better.


Well-Known Member
Why would you be, He doesnt fit the mold and can't be bought, hence no chance of winning. You are throwing your money away. Start supporting Barak Obama and make him win over Hillary. I believe he is somewhat better, not perfect but better.
it's just so in your face that it's shocking. actively censoring their search results... seems criminal.

i can't support anyone who thinks human life is disposable; especially when it's an innocent child. if he would stand up for babies the way he stands up for alternative energy programs he'd be a decent guy in my book. also, he doesn't understand what the role of government is in a free society. at least he's not a pandering idiot constantly getting caught in stupid lies. if the democratic party doesn't hate black people he should be the nominee.



Well-Known Member
I think she pays for that top spot.
sponsored links are labeled as such. i'm sure they have something under the table because Live is a linguistics driven search engine just like google. also like google - they have a human override option.

if things were equal, clinton's senatorial page would be first.



Well-Known Member
Her senatorial page has her hyphenated last name.
no, it doesn't. it does have her full name though.

it's funny because her site doesn't even have her name in the title tag, just the domain name "". of course, Ron Paul's site is properly coded so his name is properly spelled in the title tag.

anywho, no matter how you paint it - it's blatant censorship. :)




New Member
it's just so in your face that it's shocking. actively censoring their search results... seems criminal.

i can't support anyone who thinks human life is disposable; especially when it's an innocent child. if he would stand up for babies the way he stands up for alternative energy programs he'd be a decent guy in my book. also, he doesn't understand what the role of government is in a free society. at least he's not a pandering idiot constantly getting caught in stupid lies. if the democratic party doesn't hate black people he should be the nominee.

There you go with the Abortion thing again. It seems like it is a one subject platform to you, either they would overturn Roe VS Wade or you'll not vote for them. I believe it is a womans choice and then she can deal with the creator, not your decision to make. I myself personally have never had to deal with it, but I would let the woman make the choice, and support her whatever she decided. I would go to my creator with a clear conscience. To me life may be sanctified at the first breath, and yeah I've seen the horrific results and what an aborted fetus looks like. I don't like the idea, But in cases where the mother would die, the law has stated that the living mothers life trumps the fetus.


Well-Known Member
There you go with the Abortion thing again. It seems like it is a one subject platform to you, either they would overturn Roe VS Wade or you'll not vote for them. I believe it is a womans choice and then she can deal with the creator, not your decision to make. I myself personally have never had to deal with it, but I would let the woman make the choice, and support her whatever she decided. I would go to my creator with a clear conscience. To me life may be sanctified at the first breath, and yeah I've seen the horrific results and what an aborted fetus looks like. I don't like the idea, But in cases where the mother would die, the law has stated that the living mothers life trumps the fetus.

less than 1% of abortions have to do with health risks to the mom.

it's not about the court, it's about the man/woman asking for my vote. if they believe kids should be assassinated when they are inconvenient i think they are barbaric psychopaths who are unfit to serve.

you give liberty to one group to kill children that are inconvenient so it would be ok for me to kill a man if he had something i wanted. maybe if some guy has a flat tire and is making me late to an appointment i should be able to kill him and go on so that i'm not late.



New Member
less than 1% of abortions have to do with health risks to the mom.

it's not about the court, it's about the man/woman asking for my vote. if they believe kids should be assassinated when they are inconvenient i think they are barbaric psychopaths who are unfit to serve.

you give liberty to one group to kill children that are inconvenient so it would be ok for me to kill a man if he had something i wanted. maybe if some guy has a flat tire and is making me late to an appointment i should be able to kill him and go on so that i'm not late.

Why is it that your mindset considers it horrific to kill a fetus, but once you are born, you don't give a fuck about them, you are for the death sentence and against medical for children (Government Medical). That is so hypocritical it is beyond belief. Don't kill them untill they come popping out then fuck them. Shame-shame-shame.


Well-Known Member
Why is it that your mindset considers it horrific to kill a fetus, but once you are born, you don't give a fuck about them, you are for the death sentence and against medical for children (Government Medical). That is so hypocritical it is beyond belief. Don't kill them untill they come popping out then fuck them. Shame-shame-shame.
you're right, it is hypocritical to want to kill innocent babies but then cry about soldiers dying when they volunteered to go to war.

when have i said people shouldn't be able to get medical anything? i'm not fool enough to suggest that we should use the government to create a "lower class" by overtaxing and providing inferior education and then let the trial lawyers make insurance un-affordable and then tell the lower class that if they "Vote for Hillary" we'll give them "free" insurance. that's your plan! you're the one perpetuating this broken system of government handouts and the systematic killing of dreams.

you better look harder if you want to find a chink in my armor, logic is logical and i like it that way.



New Member
you're right, it is hypocritical to want to kill innocent babies but then cry about soldiers dying when they volunteered to go to war.

when have i said people shouldn't be able to get medical anything? i'm not fool enough to suggest that we should use the government to create a "lower class" by overtaxing and providing inferior education and then let the trial lawyers make insurance un-affordable and then tell the lower class that if they "Vote for Hillary" we'll give them "free" insurance. that's your plan! you're the one perpetuating this broken system of government handouts and the systematic killing of dreams.

you better look harder if you want to find a chink in my armor, logic is logical and i like it that way.

If you stand in front of a mirror and ask that person to confirm your beliefs, then you are just another idiot. If you actually listen to what the other side has to say before you declare victory and a logical conclusion, then you have entered the arena of reason. Your logic consists of your one sided view and any others are inconsequential. I suggest you take a course in deductive reasoning and understanding of opposing viewpoints. A closed mind is a very "selfish" entity, and it certainly appears that you have one closed tighter than a bulls ass at fly time,~LOL~.