ROOR vs ILLADELPH who wins


Well-Known Member
okay i want your opinions but only those who have tried both i dont need one sided opinions here, which bong do you prefer??? the ROOR or the illadelph???


Well-Known Member
never seen or heard of illadelph post pics? I do like roor...but so can go get custom pieces from local artists that costs half the price for thick pieces.


Well-Known Member
i agree that the weed makes the difference but you can put spinners on a broke down piece of shit or you can put them on a benz. Yeah the weed is what gets ya high but its better when its enjoyed luxouriously so you can keep your homemades and your plastic. Ill take high quality glass on glass.


Well-Known Member
RooR - Been around the longest, cleans easy, equivalent = Phantom

Illadelph - Newer company, more intricate designs, each member of their glass blowing team has to have a science degree in the area. equivalent = Dodge viper

Costs are about the same, my current ashcather for my illadelph costs as much as a basic roor, about 190.

I have had about 4 roors, and 1 illadelph.

RooR takes all in my book, any day. Its all I'll buy.


Well-Known Member
RooR - Been around the longest, cleans easy, equivalent = Phantom

Illadelph - Newer company, more intricate designs, each member of their glass blowing team has to have a science degree in the area. equivalent = Dodge viper

Costs are about the same, my current ashcather for my illadelph costs as much as a basic roor, about 190.

I have had about 4 roors, and 1 illadelph.

RooR takes all in my book, any day. Its all I'll buy.

well ill take the illy off your hands since its not being appreciated


Well-Known Member
ill take my $80 non brand name glass bong and get just as high as everybody else...

that said, i would like to look into a cheaper roor one of these days. I can't lie, they look tight. I'd like the icecatcher for sure. I'm trying to invent one for my bong


Well-Known Member
theres cheap RooR's, they have these little sisters that are smaller, and they also have a regular shrait shot's for like no more than 130, it bepends on what color label, i kno the red and dark green ones are the cheapest


Well-Known Member
RooR if its between those two in my opinion...

but id go with the hurricane...crazy rips, smoothest rips ever...hands down best bong IMO

EDI has them for fairly cheap