Root aphids and how to get rid of them!!!


Active Member
Hey there Just wanted to share some info. I'm now fighting these things for the 2nd time Dont know where they came from as i dont let anything in my house because im self seficent... I Think my bro brought them over =( But anyways If your having Issues in your bloom Search a product called botanigard 22WP Its a mycoincesticide WORKS GREAT in bloom its all organic they hit me the last 2 weeks of bloom on my OG's im in hydro rockwool medium do a full medium drench with the rate of 1 pound per 50 gal's water they started dying off after about 3 days they started moving out of my rockwool. I looked at them under my microscope can see the fungi's eatin them (what a great thing to see). So that takes care of them in bloom if they happen to hit you there. So now what do we do about veg Well lets nuke them in veg i had been using bayer tree and shrub but i dont like that fact that it haves a fert's in there so i want something stronger as well. So after plenty of research and calling manufacturs and shit of products I found Merit 75 with is 75 % imidacloprid mixed at a rate of 1 tsp per 10 gallons give this to them in veg NEVER in bloom only use the myco in bloom! So give this to them in veg up to the day before you flip to 12/12 do some searches on the net about how to use this product theres not many post about it but there is some good info... Anyways thats whats working for my now everyday i look my numbers are knocked down and i can see them turning brown in bloom as the myco eats them ....

Well i hope this helps anyone seeking some help with your friendly root aphid problem


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much! I used to pride myself in researching 60 hours a week, but now I work so much I only get an hour or so to myself and my garden every night. You've saved me a bit of time and I'll try those products out right away. These root aphids have been fucking my old grow partners for so long, and now I got them. They've just about given up, they are shutting down the farm for 2 months after this next crop just to make sure there is nothing left living in the grow room for a clean restart. But root aphids aren't their only problem.

Buddy Hemphill

Active Member
Merit 75 will kill them.

It has a 60 day systemic window though!!!! If you use it in flower, at all, it will be in the meds.

The best way to use M75 is on babies. It doesn't damage or stunt them as bad. It also leaves time for the poison to leave the plant before harvest.

MET52 is a totally organic option. It must be added to the soil at planting time though.


Active Member
I dealt with root aphids. In the DWC hydro the area above the water line up to the base of the plant was being affected. I use GoGnats in the reservoir and it took them out. I will put in a fresh nutrient solution at the end of two weeks. Most of the smell of GoGnats has abated. It has cedar oil in it I think.

In another soil based plant I put in H2O2 and water at a concentration of 1 : 5 (3% H2O2 like at the grocery store or pharmacy).
I dumped my solution in and then put the pot into 5 gallon bucket and topped it off with clear water until the water level came up to the base of the plant.

The H2O2 will bubble and pop a bit. It doesn't seem to hurt the plant. In fact it is looking a lot better. In reading on the Internet there are some that think there are chemicals in the regular stuff but I used it and am happy with it.