Root Aphids where to purchase MET 52?


New Member
Hi all, I am located in Colorado and recently I discovered root aphids and I want to kill them all and never have them again. I recently ordered some Pyrethrin and am going to soak my pots several days in a row hoping to kill them all including the emerging eggs....

I have heard good things about MET 52 but I seriously can not find the product anywhere!?!?

Can anyone help me find MET 52 insecticide or another aphidicide that will do the trick for good. I am not to fond of systemics but if they are quickly dissipating from the plant i'm game.

I have lots of clones and my 6 girls are 3 weeks since the lights flipped to 12/12 so just about a week or so into true flowering I would say....

Please help. I hate these Root Aphids they are evil!!!

Edit: I have also heard of Merit 75 and see that is effective but is it safe to use when your plants are in flowering? also would using an enzyme in soil be necessary to break down aphids? Thanks.