

Active Member
So I was wondering can a plant recover from being rootbound? I have 5 plants that have been vegging for about 5 weeks. Ive been having numerous problems. Pretty much all of the leaves have dried up and wilted, and although there is some new growth they look very unhealthy. The stems are really strong which is prtty much the only reason why im trying to salvage them, but I just replanted them and they looked very rootbound. Now theyre in bigger containers and only time will really tell but I was just wondering if anyone had experience with this issue. Thanks,



Well-Known Member
They'll pick up pretty quick now . . . just don't over water them, thinking that'll hasten the recovery. Better thirsty than drowned.


Active Member
Well i did water them right after replanting, but not a huge amount. I also mixed some nutes in with the water and readjusted the lights, but over all Im just hoping for a speedy recovery. Thanks for your help!



Well-Known Member
Well i did water them right after replanting, but not a huge amount. I also mixed some nutes in with the water and readjusted the lights, but over all Im just hoping for a speedy recovery. Thanks for your help!


Check ph. They definitely like it dry. Just when it seems time to water I give them a few more hours, maybe a full day if I'm feeling mean. It makes them work and fight for life like a boxer training for a fight. Then I soak them with some RO DI water and they grow so fast you can almost see it happening.

Put a fan on them too.


Well-Known Member
Whenever you repot your plant you should fill up a tub or sink with water and put the plant and pot in it, push it down so the water rises up into the pot from the drain holes in the bottom , this will open up much needed space for your root system . Every time ive done this my plant has grown an extra couple of inches that next week!!!!