Roots growing out of large pots

Ok so this aint my first rodeo but the first time I have had this happen I have my plants in three gallon pots that,i have used before but this time the roots seem to be coming out the sides and the bottoms of the pots with holes in them two of them are under a foot and the two others are about two feet. I have gdp, a plant I call alex unknown strain also big bang and a pipi strain is this bad I ukwould really hate to have unknown strain also big bang and a pipi strain is this bad I would really hate to have to repot if anyone could give me some good advice that would be great.


Well-Known Member
how far along are they?

I would repot those beauties asap! You are confining it's space to limited area, and it's growth is being stunted.

The marijuana plant (at least my strains) have no trouble being repotted. In fact, I've repotted 3 times now. I underestimated the size of them, but they are now comfortably chillen in 5 gallon home depot paint buckets. And every time i repotted, the girls got a growth spirt and just shot out.
Damn damn your right I guess I'm gonna have to plus I'm flipping the switch in A week alright well thanks for the input.buckets seem to take up less room also cause I have four plants under a 250 I have a mh in now but will switch it over to hps when I flower.and I have a shit ton of cfl in there lol I'm using kelp which I think has alot to do with the sporadic root growth.