Roots may have been damaged / will it grow


Well-Known Member
What's up guys, a noob here. I'm just trying this out to see what I can grow with the equipment I have right now. I don't have anything fancy. So anyways, I recently planted a seed that had finished germinating about one week ago. I had been checking on it regularly and noticed yesterday that it had begun to sprout.

I decided to put it in another pot since it had originally been in a pot with another plant (non marijuana). So I got all my stuff together and cut what I thought was deep enough into the soil. When I was pulling it out most of the roots that had dug down into the soil, had broken off :( I'm left with just the main root from the plant I guess you could say.

So, will my seedling die? I went ahead and planted it again with the same soil it came out of and into another small pot. I sure hope there is a way to save it!!

Thanks... :confused:

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
it might, just take car of it. i have damaged male roots a lot. and they were fine.

i wouldnt put it with another plant though, or the roots will tangle.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I didn't really expect it to grow I guess. So that's why I just stuck it with the other plant. Once I saw that it had begun to grow, that's when I took it out right away. What do you suggest doing to bring it back to it's full potential? Just leave it in the soil and keep plenty of light on it for now? I guess I will know within the next day or so if it's going to make it, eh?

It's just a seed I got from some reggy, so it's not that big of a deal. I sure would like to see it grow though. When I get this down a little more, I'm going to go all out on this project.

Thanks :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Since the previous post, it looks as if the thing has already responded to it's new soil/pot. It looks like it has perked up a bit. It's amazing how fast plants react to changes.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
It should grow if there was any root left on it. It will just take a bit longer until you notice cause it will work to fix that root, as well create more roots. No worries it should be fine. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
It should grow if there was any root left on it. It will just take a bit longer until you notice cause it will work to fix that root, as well create more roots. No worries it should be fine. :mrgreen::peace:
Sweet! I was really sad when I saw all those roots tear off - DOH! I'll keep you guys updated. I don't expect much from it, but will treat it well as if it were a really nice strain.

If all goes well, I'll be ordering some better seeds and getting this project underway.

What do you guys think of those "seed starting fiber pots"? I got my guy in there and hope that works out ok.

Thanks for the help :joint:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I don't use those peat pots. I use rockwool or organic peat plugs for the seedlings and or clones then straight into soil or hydro net pots once the roots are showing. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Yea, I was thinking it wouldn't break down in time for proper root growth, but who knows.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
They do break down cause you fill them with soil and when needing transplant they go right into the larger pots. I have used them and just broke it off before putting it in the new pot or ground. Lots of hassle it seemed. :mrgreen::peace:

Yea, I was thinking it wouldn't break down in time for proper root growth, but who knows.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I'm safe after all. Finished with it's lighting cycle and stuck it in a dark room. Took it out a few minutes ago and it had gotten a little taller and a bit more green. It's going to survive!

Thanks to anyone who answered my questions.