Rubbermaid CFL Tub Tag Along - Making My Return (With Pictures)


Active Member
yeah dude i got that book right around when i turned 18 been growing since has almost everything you need to know


Active Member
Have you thought about placing another smaller tub on the very top and running all your cords/exhaust fans through that? Throw the thing on casters and create a false bottom intake and your totally stealth my friend.


Well-Known Member
Have you thought about placing another smaller tub on the very top and running all your cords/exhaust fans through that? Throw the thing on casters and create a false bottom intake and your totally stealth my friend.
not not really, I know what you mean tho.

To me it would look weird, at least having cords coming out a smaller tub on top. This way I can have it up against the wall or in a closet and the cords are hidden tucked behind it going to a plug.

the pvc makes it a bit less stealth, and cuz i have the tornado on the outside, instead of having the 80mm fan inserted inside the pvc fitting.

If I had a nice filter covering on each pvc it would look a bit cleaner. No light shines to make it obvious... so that at least keeps it more or less stealth. Anyone who dosen't have a clue about this stuff (growing etc) wouldn't be the wiser I dont think

I'd like it if it would of stayed more like how it was originally on my first post in the thread, but it needed light traps.


Well-Known Member
yeah supra, I'm watching zippys thread too and I think there's quite a bit he can learn from you


Well-Known Member
Mini Update

Well I'm seeing what I believe are sacs staring to grow on at least 2 of the lil ones. One i'm 90% sure, as it looks like in one spot there is a second staring to form right beside another.

I'm hoping that by my weekly update Tuesday that i'm wrong and some pistils shoot out of them instead. I can deal with one male, any more and I'll be sad (maybe I'll collect pollen as the one seems to be a good grower, strong, robust and is a smelly one)

The second one I think I see tiny little white tips on what looks like a sac with my eye and with a magnifier (could be a calyx)...but I'll prolly know for sure just like the other in a few days.

The third (most sativa) I think is going to turn out female. Its not really shoing anything anywhere, except in one spot. Was hard to spot. But I think its the start of a calyx and pistil.

they are filling the tub up quick in the almost week since I switch to 12/12....its so much fun to watch them explode with growth

Fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
Well bad news,

Due to unforseen circumstances (relative coming to stay temporarily) I was forced to move a bunch of my shit out of the spare bedroom I have. Just so happens its the same room I got my lovely lady in. None of my buddies were able to take it and I didn't have anywhere else to stash it so that its out of the way and unseen.

I was fored to cut it down. Sucks ballz cuz it was starting to look good, Im sure it would have turned out very nice and better then expected. I wish this would have happend in like 2 or 3 weeks cuz then it wouldbe around finishing time but as it stands it got to 5 weeks. So not the best time to have this happen. Anyways, its been cut up and is drying. I have saved all leaves and the stalk and will do a qwiso with them. The buds dont look all that pathetic since they were just starting to fill out, but i Havent decided what to do with them. i'm thinking just to qwiso them too oce they are dry. I think it might be the best thing. I mean under the scope, the buds have a nice amount of trichs, so its not a total fuckover but its still a letdown. Dont get to see just how nice it could have been since this was the first time I grew the Thai mix out.

Once its dry I'll report the iso or buds amount and smoke test. but I expect a heady type buzz

this blows...oh well it was fun. Hopefully I can start up again soon, maybe go a bit bigger next time. Maybe get one of those smaller double door cabs for a pantry or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Damn it man why not move it into your closet?
Seems to have been a bad weekend for everyone, you had to cut her down, log got a male and I lost 2, possibly 3 from dehydration, maybe this is just a means to culling the herd and better preparation next time.