Ruderalis help?

Hey so I was looking at auto strains i was thinking of planting outside, and i noticed auto frisian dew, i was thinking about planting 4/5 of these outside as this is mt very first grow, everyone gives it good reviews saying it's a good grow especially outdoors etc however it claims its a ruderalis yet everyone says that ruderalis plants barely get you high at all? could someone explain this?


Well-Known Member
they use ruderalis to breed auto flowering traits into non auto plant so you get autoflower trait and drug trait in one plant. however unless you live in an area with a very short growing season i wouldn't bother. just get some seeds that are labled for outdoor growing and you'll be fine. there are some great outdoor strains out there and there much better than any autoflower could hope to be. frisian dew is a great strain but go with the regular one not the auto.
Ahhh alright that explains it, well i live in england where the weathers unpredictable but i think i'll go with regulars like you say yeah, thanks:)


Well-Known Member
there is good autos out an good outside plants out there

all autos are part rudi an part a strong other half
no auto would dare be all rudi would be a waste - no head
strong because rudi only brings the auto traits
does not contribute to potency cause it is very weak in that area

diet coke

Active Member
you could get a super auto these mature around the four month mark and are fairly large.
Short Stuff Seedbank - Super Cali Haze


Active Member
Excellent strain for wet areas, but prefers the warmth for optimal results. Easy to grow, just like most Dutch Passion strains. Not very high in THC, but overall its good. I might get Frisian seeds this year, too bad I got other seeds so thats a maybe. Get Cream Caramel Auto by Sweet Seeds - has good mould resistance - you will not be disappointed. The taste and smell is like no other.
Excellent strain for wet areas, but prefers the warmth for optimal results. Easy to grow, just like most Dutch Passion strains. Not very high in THC
I'm from england so a wet summer is quite normal, do you know of any other strains which are good out here but have high THC/yields?


Active Member
I'm from england so a wet summer is quite normal, do you know of any other strains which are good out here but have high THC/yields?
I would rather not recommend you strains that I have no experience with, especially for your rainy climate. I don't want to guess. But I would say go with European strains (especially Dutch and Spanish ones) because they are better tested for your climate.