Ruined :(


Well-Known Member
i went out earlier to start my 2 biggest plants flowering and when i got to my spot i saw serveral pots knocked over deer footprints and my 2 biggest plants got fucking eatin.


Well-Known Member
thats brutal sorry:-( man thats why I grow inside. Can you start an indoor operation? they can be small. well anyway That sucks...Screw Bambi and his family


Well-Known Member
Bambi's mom was actually shot cause the guy was harvesting his bud and that bitch tried to eat it. Serves her right.


Well-Known Member
Get Milorganite lawn food, found everywhere. Scatter it around and the deer will stay away. It's made from sewer sludge; I guarantee it'll work!


Active Member
ive had this happen before too...except it was stoner bunnys.. lil poops all over the place. this year i went an got coyote urine an soaked some socks and stuffed em under stumps and made a perimiter. sorry to hear the loss man :(


Active Member
i got it from a local gardening store. i dont think any big name stores would carry it. and for anyone that goes the coyote piss route, get some nose plugs cuz wow that smell is rank! :S


Active Member
Have you done everything you could,to prevent dem bastards sneeking around,I mean P around plants,human or dog hair,soap,wolf urine,fishing line,fence...I wanna know what you did,to protect your plants,if nothing..thats a life


Well-Known Member
i piss around all my plants for starts 2 i have a fence around my plants but theres so many i cant just put them all in the middle of it :/ usually they just stick their heads in and eat shit but this last time they jumped the whole fence and dmged alot of plants and ate the 2 big ones


Active Member
next time you try outdoors put the pots in a whole so the dont get knocked and get a chicken wire fence around each plant so no deer rabbits ect. will get at them.


Well-Known Member
thats the whole problem they pretty much are bunched together and ive got a fence , and as for the deer that got shot the other day i hope it was that bastard, after my 2 big ones dieing ive pretty much lost all motovation though