I'm growing this baby out here under 12/12 cfl lights, day 14 from sprout, so here is the question, I feed her 500ppm and the runoff is 100ppm is this a sign that she is taking the nutes?


Well-Known Member
Wait. :roll:
It depends on your cultivation method.
With soil you can’t check runoff, but with coco it is super important as u get your information way before the plant starts showing anything.


Well-Known Member
You check runoff if you grow in a well areated medium with readily available nutrients, synthetics and hydro, not when growing organics


Well-Known Member
thanks man, and last question, Is this an autoflower or photoperiod? this is some random bag seed i found and grew her,
I guess you won’t know until she gets 3-4 weeks old, remember to check the sex as soon as she shows pre flowers, usually stress and training make this process faster


Well-Known Member
That makes no sense to me, how can you add 500ppm and get 100ppm out? Normally you are going to have some salts in the medium and your run-off will be a little higher then what's going in. Lets say you added 500 and a week later your plants have eaten 400 of that and you add 500 again. The run off coming out will be that 500 that goes through and brings with it a little bit of the 100 that's left over so it should be over 500. The only thing I can think of is that your air-pots are filtering the salts out and your testing your run-off will tell you absolutely nothing of value. Don't worry, you don't really need to test your run-off anyway. It can be valuable information but even without it you can just read your plants.


Well-Known Member
@giantcola i am growing in coco/perlite mix btw
Did you buffer the coco? When such values are showing, i’ll guess the medium is locking up the calcium, has to do with cation exchange sites, and so the mineral comes not available as the coco bonds to it.
if that’s the case, i’ll suggest to check how to buffer coco coir or give the plant a massive calcium feed