Of course, the quotes are right there. Did you read it or just grab for the headlines?
Rush is a tub of nothing, but that is not what he said. The article lies as usual, since all headlines are DESIGNED to lie.
.....about so-called politically correct liberals who believe that America is responsible for the spread of Ebola in Liberia because that nation was established by freed American slaves.
“And if it hadn’t been for that they probably wouldn’t have [Ebola]. So there are some people who think we kind of deserve a little bit of this,” he said, before accusing elected leaders of purposely leaving the country vulnerable to the virus.
“The danger we have now is that we elected people in positions of power and authority who think this or think like this in terms of this country being responsible, this country being to blame for things and it’s that kind of thinking that leads to opposition to shutting down airports from various countries,” Limbaugh explained, referring to the Obama administration’s handling of the crisis.
“It leads to opposition to keeping these people out of the country: ‘How dare we? We can’t turn our back on them! They exist because of us. We can’t turn them away!’” he said.
See? What he actually said, was not even that. What he said is so stupid it makes no sense at all.
He said liberals have a guilt attached to Liberia. And then he morphed that into liberals are saying without Liberia (we didn't force anyone to go there) those slaves would have never gone there, and would not get Ebola, had they stayed here, 150 years ago???? WTF???????????
The guy's mind was blown by Oxy, long ago, but it is that rag that is saying Rush believes that Obama is spreading Ebola here for payback.
So what the fuck is wrong with that Magazine?