Russia Making a play for East Block


Well-Known Member
Do you believe that the soviet union has been planing this natural gas crisis in Europe?
I think this is just another way to keep energy costs high so energy producers can inflate the price.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
putin wants to be a tsar. Did you know that putin picks who owns what---he basically picks the billionaires in the country and when they piss him off---he takes it all away :)


Well-Known Member
Russia will never be what it was... Yeah I do feel they are doing this, but like our country is finding out fast, corruption is the worst policy.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Russians are starting to place their warships around the world again like they did before the collapse after the cold war. They have been chasing around pirates and pushing Georgians around and now Ukrainians. They are also trying to take over the duty of world police from Americans and I say let them have it :)


Well-Known Member
I am an ex cold war soldier. I just
loved the cold war. I knew the perceived enemy. I refuse to believe it is over.


New Member
This is not unexpected and follows a predictable pattern. The stockpiles in Europe are pretty good for the next few months, they learned a lesson from before when Russia did this in the dead of winter a few years back, remember?

Putin has failed miserably in diversifying his economy and since they have put all of their eggs in the energy basket, and prices have plummeted.....guess what will happen next? Go down to your gas pump next time for a fill up and snap a pic of the price..... for the memories.

A crisis is coming and it yes, it will be planned out. If the economy continues to suffer in Russia, look for them to reach out and grab what it needs and wants by force. These things work on many levels....not least of which it's a nice distraction to how badly Putin and gang have pissed the Russian future away. A KGB Premiere .... what a surprise.

Notice how Israel is being kept busy? Wonder why?

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hamass rockets with a Russian chemical signature for the propellant and Iranian sig on the explosive warhead.....Nothing unusual here!

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
War is an excellent way to dig out of a recession/depression. WWIII anyone? Let's get america on the right track again by bombing someone.


Well-Known Member
It is always to bomb somewhere that does not already look bombed. Fuck Baghdad, it has been done. Any suggestions?


New Member
If anyone doesn't think the cold war is back on, they need to wake up and smell the coffee. Ever seen a bear on PMS? Wait and see.....

Thank G*D we have Obama right now and not anyone with military experience.... whew.

out. :blsmoke: