Stroker, do you think Trump magically in 6 months made those jobs happen?
Those jobs were created by Obama's Administration I don't know about where you're at but our Roads have been fixed all of our Bridges are new and all my construction working Friends are working and have been steady since Obama has taken the U.S. back from the Ditch that the last Republican got us into. though I would love to have G.B. right now over our current White House Turd.
Donald Trump is making it so when he is done,(and now) he can make as much money as he can before the next President Changes all these Policies Trump seems to want to UNDO.
Trump is is like a fifth grader with an enemy, he has to get even with!, Even though Obama did nothing to Him.
Trump is Undoing everything Obama did, Just because he is a spoiled brat, If you don't see your freedom is at risk. your Monies are at risk. Furthermore He Tricked you into thinking he was going to make it all better for you, when truth is, If you use recreational Mary, or just like to drive your Jeep in the woods, You more than likely will go to Jail for those things if Trump has his way.
It.s really not hard to see that is it?
Do you think Opening up those Private Prisons the Last administration shut down is a good thing, and if so why?
IMO they want to jail non violent people for money interested only, not to Rehab People and help them, if they did a real Crime, which to many are in Prison for in the first place for minor charges.
Dumping toxic waste into Rivers is a good thing?
Pulling the U.S. out of the paris deal is good?
Taking away 300 million in the Great Lakes Clean water act is a good thing?
Mining Coal is a good thing?
Burning more Coal is also good?
Putting all that money into their Pockets, the Richest people in the U.S is a good thing ?
How are all those and many more going to help you at all?
I would like to know your thoughts and change my mind about what this President is doing to actually help us.