S.o.g - cutting lower branches


Well-Known Member
Today is the day I start my first amount of trimming on each plant.
I am not sure just how much to cut off so I am here asking questions.
so yeah all i know is you cut off the lower branches of the plant.

How many branches heading to the top of the plant do you leave n let them be?

Do you always want a certain percentage cut off?

or do you always want to leave a certain percentage left on the plant?

any more info is gladly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
When I'm lollipoppin' my bitches, I like to trim a little more than 1/3 from the bottom up.

It'll look like the tip of a spear.

But don't go too far.


Well-Known Member
1/3 is what i've read from the few people that do this and put their journals up. Generally first and third week of flowering.