S u n 4 f u n


Active Member
Hello , i had a question regarding the sun.

My question is ,- If when growing marijuana indoors grows vegetatively under 16/8 and then 12/12 for flowering , and then ,- Outdoors they can flourish with only 4 hours of direct sunlight.
What is the Lumen output of the sun that it can produce such drastic effects.



Active Member
well as far as i know, lumens were originally calibrated on the impact on the eye, (if that makes sense), i.e the brighter the light, the more damage it does to your eye, and that means a higher lumen figure. So as the sun is extremely powerful, and can cause blindness, the lumen output is huge. Now the maths...>

At a distance of 93 million miles
The 1 Watt LS is ~18 lumens per watt, so 6840000000000000000000000000 lumens... hope that helps


Active Member
I was just curious but...
Yea wow thats a shit ton of lumens .. and yes it did help.

That sounds like that mutch can burn a plant, how close to the planet is that from. ? lol
I wonder what percentage of suns rays are what spectrum ?

This is good information to keep as a subject for a while.

I mean solar power , and output of the sun , and .....

Any comments