Sacrifice a female entirely for clones?

So not sure if its been mentioned or asked, but here it goes;

I have 2 roughly 2ft tall blue dream.
They both have the bonsai effect going on as I cloned from the bottom a week ago.

Well they are getting too big to just be sitting out. (I have a grow in progress, these two were extras that didnt make it in with the others to flower)
After the grow in progress is done, Im moving locations and starting from fresh clones (freebies). So the extra plants are here, well just here to be here till I find new homes.

They are getting a little too big, Both have been topped and each of them have 3 Tops.

Can I sacrifice the ENTIRE plant for clones? Each plant has 3 Branches that are easily 1ft long as well as the main stem. So what if I chopped 4 clones off them? The 3 branches + the top off the main stem and re-planted.

Anyone ever done this?


Well-Known Member
You could do it, but why? why not just take partial clones.. keep her in veg.. more clones.. and set up a perpetual clone factory / grow op so there's no downtime? If you have the lights and setup for it, I do not see why that couldn't be a hell of a good, and sane option. Did you just want to finish off the mother permanently? The reason I ask this: If you get very unlucky, and you get pests in your garden... the mother at that point has the best/only real chance of survival vs that many clones in the same settings.


Well-Known Member
good idea but it takes 2-3 weeks to root, so you might want to start 4-5 fems and clone way early. it will take months to get anywhere with just clones. i have DP clones and they are small as fuck for being a month old.
Well the two im speaking of were clones of a clone. Was more of testing out cloning to see if I had a hand at it or not.

I would love to veg the shit out of them as they are very vigorous growers, Turning out nicer in veg then the initial 6 I have in flower. But come the end of April I have housing inspections, so nothing can be here during that time and I will be taking a break for a little before starting again. The ones in flower will be done by the beginning to mid April.

The ones I have just randomly vegging, are... well just randomly vegging. If I had an extra two months, Id throw them both in flower with the rest but sadly I dont think I will have the time before people are knocking on the door for a walk through.

I have some friends who want some, but are taking way too damn long to come snag them up. So I was thinking of just turning them both completely in to clones to slow it down a bit. Ya, more plants, but they will be easier to transport and hopefully before they are too big they get taken.

Was just hoping I wasnt off my rocker for completely turning a plant into clones.


Well-Known Member
Well the two im speaking of were clones of a clone. Was more of testing out cloning to see if I had a hand at it or not.

I would love to veg the shit out of them as they are very vigorous growers, Turning out nicer in veg then the initial 6 I have in flower. But come the end of April I have housing inspections, so nothing can be here during that time and I will be taking a break for a little before starting again. The ones in flower will be done by the beginning to mid April.

The ones I have just randomly vegging, are... well just randomly vegging. If I had an extra two months, Id throw them both in flower with the rest but sadly I dont think I will have the time before people are knocking on the door for a walk through.

I have some friends who want some, but are taking way too damn long to come snag them up. So I was thinking of just turning them both completely in to clones to slow it down a bit. Ya, more plants, but they will be easier to transport and hopefully before they are too big they get taken.

Was just hoping I wasnt off my rocker for completely turning a plant into clones.
Have to ask.. how many clones do you ultimately want? A well-veg'd supermother should have no issues with 40ish+ at a time. I won't ask if you're setting up a major op, that's not my business - just trying to work out why you may need mass clones in a short timeframe is all, I guess.
Have to ask.. how many clones do you ultimately want? A well-veg'd supermother should have no issues with 40ish+ at a time. I won't ask if you're setting up a major op, that's not my business - just trying to work out why you may need mass clones in a short timeframe is all, I guess.
I dont need any clones haha.
I just have two plants outside of my flower room, along with a bunch of little clones, that I will be getting rid of.

The two plants are just getting too big, and its impossible to transport anything out of my house without being suspicious. (nosey neighbors)
If I take the 2 and make it into 6, Those 6 could get out the door a lot smaller than 2 huge ass plants.

I dont plan on keeping any of the clones taken nor any of the clones already taken. I have my plants and they are almost ready to harvest. These are for whoever the hell wants to take them off my hands between now and April.


Well-Known Member
I dont need any clones haha.
I just have two plants outside of my flower room, along with a bunch of little clones, that I will be getting rid of.

The two plants are just getting too big, and its impossible to transport anything out of my house without being suspicious. (nosey neighbors)
If I take the 2 and make it into 6, Those 6 could get out the door a lot smaller than 2 huge ass plants.

I dont plan on keeping any of the clones taken nor any of the clones already taken. I have my plants and they are almost ready to harvest. These are for whoever the hell wants to take them off my hands between now and April.
If you have a truck with straps for things.. you can easily move super-mothers in old refrigerator boxes without it being completely out of place.. or smaller plants in pots if you re-do the inside of the box with cardboard shelves, as an aside. (This has been done with much success in late spring/summer due to temps (in Michigan).. if in cold climate, I would not risk it unless the point of delivery is less than 5-10 minutes away realtime)
If you have a truck with straps for things.. you can easily move super-mothers in old refrigerator boxes without it being completely out of place.. or smaller plants in pots if you re-do the inside of the box with cardboard shelves, as an aside. (This has been done with much success in late spring/summer due to temps (in Michigan).. if in cold climate, I would not risk it unless the point of delivery is less than 5-10 minutes away realtime)
Thats actually a neat idea.. Fridge boxes..
Sadly I only have a compact 4 door.

Ill remember that though! I didnt think of that.


Well-Known Member
Put a fridge box on the roof! Hahha but in all honesty yeah I would either clone them or take out the smaller more manageable plants and flower these big mothers


Well-Known Member
Thats actually a neat idea.. Fridge boxes..
Sadly I only have a compact 4 door.

Ill remember that though! I didnt think of that.
4 door, if you put on the seat in the back... boxes at the grocery store that they ship cereal in would work great for clones depending on door clearance and how much leg room you need in the front. 1 of those will hold 2 trays of 48 clones on 2 'floors' with a middle put in for floor #2... and it'd just look like you're delivering a box to someone, not really out of place unless you happen to procure boxes that are from chemicals being shipped and it's showing hazard/warning/toxic/radioactive markings on the sides.