Sad days

Have a 2 by 3 foot area where I grow my plant recently have Louie 13 plant using to 2ft indoor growing FLOURESCENT blub produce 3200 lumens bought fertilizer and nutrients from home depot and mix those too together plant is 4 weeks was a CLONE and now is dying looks sad no yellow leafs juss down use room temperature water to prevent shock this is my third plant to do this used hormones on other two thought was that stop and I got same results can the fertilizer be toooo strong for bby plant need to know ASAP


Well-Known Member
Yes nutes can be too hot. Whats your pH soil/water? What soil? How big a pot? Temps/RH? Pics will get answers..
Tried to post pic idk if it worked, fertilizer I don't know the name but home depot ppl gave it to me was two bags that they said mix together, the plants stay healthy for like a week and then become sad an stay sad leaves slightly dying no turning yellow thou. how can I post Pics? From a iPhone i wanna know what should I use to put my plant in?
My lighting is 2 indoor growing, 2ft 40 watt t12 FL and my pot is 2 gallons. Fertilizer looks like that tree bark that ppl put in their yards to make it looks nice and other bag was like white sand it had mangos and fruit on the front of the bag.


Well-Known Member
why would ever listen to people that work at home depot. They are dumber than two deaf donkeys


Active Member
you have to post pics m8 .people need to see whats going on before they can help , whats your ph ? get some general ferts from the grow shop not home depo !!!!only use 1 quarter to half the strenth.... make sure you have good drainage and ph of 6.5, remember that some soil (if not most)has food already in it , so dont use full strenth anything for your plant...(find a way to post pics)
Ok I've figured things out and got some new clones that are 4 weeks today.I put them in a 2 gallon pot with ocean fox soil. I got new lights too 4 t5 14w bout 3 inches away plant looking good and area is well ventilated
. The thing I wanna know is what does my plant need since its a month old already? what product is best to use? Also when do I change the light to 18/6.