Safer Soap Killed My Girls?!?!


Well-Known Member
So I've been having problems with spider mites that I got from some WW clones I got from my local club. I had been using some pyrethrins on the plants, and it was helping. I had used it a couple of times, and wanted to go with something else to make sure the mites were not getting used to that stuff.

I go and pick up some of that Safer soap, and sprayed my girls down. One day after doing so, and leaves are getting crispy, drooping, brown around the edges, etc, etc.

Two days after spraying them, they look like they do in the pics. Has anybody else had a prblem with this stuff? Not all of my plants are effected, and some are not as bad as the others. These are the worst ones in the pics. Some of the plants look perfectly fine. I don't understand it.

I did use some pyrethrins a day before I used the soap, but that stuff breaks down in a matter of hours. Do you think its because I used the two products so close together even though the pyrethrins would have broken down and no longer been around? Or do you think the Safer soap is causing all of this?

I did recently top the plants, but that was like almost a week ago, and the plants have been in soil for like 2 weeks. Nothing has changed for weeks, and then after using the Safer soap, they turn out like this. And they were not showing any signs of this while using the first product.

What do you guys think?



northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I bought Schultz insecticidal soap insect killer and applied. It says it is good on edibles up to the day before harvest. Its been about 3 weeks. They're fine though. I soaked them too.


Active Member
they dont look that bad and there still green so i would find a different product and they will bounce back in no time


Well-Known Member
they dont look that bad and there still green so i would find a different product and they will bounce back in no time
They look freakin horrible to me!!

I hope they bounce back and I am never using this Safer soap again. I will stick with the pyrethrins and Co2 bombs.


Well-Known Member
Well it looks like the ones that were showing all that damage are not going to make it. I tried to spray them down with plain water to get rid of some of the soap, but it didn't seem to work.

It really sucks because I am going to have to reveg one of my plants in flower so I don't lose the strain. I am pretty pissed right now.


New Member
i used the safer insect killing soap on mine when i noticed soil bugs...but i juss sprayed it on the soil, not the plant, and mine are fine..


Well-Known Member
I have them in small pots in order to keep them small before they go into flower. They are not rootbound, why would I need to re pot them?

The thing is, I sprayed like 20 plants, and only like 4 turned out like this. Some of them are not affected at all. They look perfectly healthy.

I am just going to stick with the products that I know wont kill my girls.