Salvia Divinorum- The most potent naturally-occuring substance


Well-Known Member
i tried salvia 80x extract and i did't get out of my bed for about 2 weeks and i thought i was never comming back it was just crazy shiiit worst drug i ever tried in my life no joke

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
i call it k's big brother the way it feels likes its pulling you threw the fabric of time and looking back into the time you got pulled from kinda like a k hole but def dif

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Has anyone else here gotten a large amount of salvia extract and just smoke on it real slow for like 45 minutes?

When you do small doses very slowly over a long period of time it's way weird.

Just so you know when you trip hard on that shit a lot (like 5 times a night) you get really worn out and way sleepy, so only do that when you have a place to sleep and have a long time to sleep.

Or anyone ever just line a party joint and light it up? I rolled a long guy for me and 3 other people, I lined it with like 5 or 6 medium doses with salvia. We all got into a philosophical talk about life, and we discovered some crazy shit. Then literally after I ended my final sentence on the topic I asked if anyone knew what we just talked about for the last 15 minutes. They all agreed that we were indeed talking about something but nobody had any idea what the fuck we were talking about.

I bought like 10g off KT botanicals... 18/g of 40x standardized is a pretty good deal. I would never pay the head shop prices.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I love DMT right after the salvia, man it makes those sleepy times interesting like an opium den.


Well-Known Member
Actualy its quite good, the salvia seems to switch off the natural fear centres so hitting the DMT feels pretty good, the actual DMT trip is diminished and has more of an opiate vibe, almost disasociative.
And you can pretty much write off the next two hours, as you will be too content to move.

On salvia the whole room once opened and closed like two lips seen from the side when I spoke... I was the room. It is the ultimate mental escher puzzle.



Active Member
to me everything rips into two left and right and a song plays in my head but its own trip from anything else ive done and i trip like 1s a wk maybe i have a prob. wow i screwed up my head


Active Member
My first (and last) salvia trip was a huge flashback from a dream I had, and had MAJOR color hue changes. Everything was either green or purple. Have you ever seen a purple black man?
I had tried salvia 40X and tripped pretty hard. I imagined that my girlfriends chair was an old lady walking her dog. I also remember thinking that her blankets were the secret passage to a cartoon world and every time i'd lift her blankets up I would go into the cartoon world. I hit it out of a steam roller 5 times. I would suggest trying it once in your life. It's different, thats forsure.


Well-Known Member
It had an effect on me, I just didn't like it. wish acid wasn't so hard to find, For me salvia was a dark trip, both times, one Time I took a huge hit of 10x with the intention of walking outside and seeing what the world looked like while triping on salvia....yea...didn't happen, never made it out the house, got stuck in a mirror world trying to open a door, and they're wew infinate amount of doors, and I was afraid if I let go of the doorknob then I wouldn't know which door got me back to the real world and I could be stuck there forever, I tried franticly to open the door. did this while wife was asleep, we had the door tied on the other side to keep the kid from getting out while we were asleep and getting into stuff, couldn't think well enough to remember that, to me the door just wouldn't open. Luckily my wife heard the door shaking and opened it, and seeing her was like` seeing a link to the real world, and I held on to her while it faded away, saying something along the lines of...yea....uh...not my thing apparently...

The other time I tried it I was playing american mcgee's alice, I took a hit, and the whole world started shaking violantly, like the physical plane was jolting and my astral body was loosing sync, we had a kitchen bar that I could see from the living room where I sat, no one else was home, yet someone was talking to me from the kitchen, and I was talking back, it was like I new this entity for a long time, we weren't friendly, he was kinda prickish, but not scary, though the jolting was, Oh, and my daughters white rabbit was running around looking for something for my daughter, apparently she was a queen over a kindom in wonderland...really wierd, but yea... I ended up writing a short story based on that trip....but yea, never had a bad trip on acid, no matter how much I took, was always able to steer the experience where I wanted it, couldn't do the same on salvia...I'm sure some can, but I can't and its probably that lack of control that kicks in the fear I feel when I'm on it.,.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
no matter how much I took, was always able to steer the experience where I wanted it, couldn't do the same on salvia...I'm sure some can, but I can't and its probably that lack of control that kicks in the fear I feel when I'm on it.,.
Here is more than likely your problem. Don't guide psychedelics, let them guide you. If it's bad, let it show you why it's bad.. generally it is some form of symbolism that you will later recognize.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I don't doubt that, but the problem is I know my mind. I live with it, its a dark, scary, twisted abomination to the lord our god and I keep it locked up for a reason, last thing I need is for it to communicate with me....

"Know thyself and to theyself be true"

†L† its not all that bad, but they're are parts of it that are, and I have no desire to awaken the supressed, none at all... Lafayette is right, its not healthy for someone to know everything they've done.... ;)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
If you repress the things you have done, you will still have every underlying problem associated with said repression, minus the memory. Should one reawaken the memory and accept it, the underlying problems die down.


Well-Known Member
My first salvia trip was with my brother i was in the back of his car and hit it and felt like i was floating and all i saw were red boxes around me it was crazy lol but i like my weed better but you do experience some crazy shit PLUS YOU LAUGH FOR 10 HOURS


Active Member
ahhh I did 40x on multiple occasions... and I can vouch for If you do it too much in one day it just wipes you out.... my boss got me to do it at work because he wanted to see what it would do... I must of hit it like 6 times that day just showing people the effects... I got off work went home and slept for 18 hours...

It always hits me... and feels like im flying backwards through a tunnel... like im looking out the back of a car going really fast and feeling the wind rush past me... but almost a falling feeling... anyways... I start laughing my ass off and sweat bullets... but its like a cold sweat... real strange... and it typically will last between 4-15min for me... but it feels like atleast an hour...

I like the stuff... but honestly after I do it I feel like I have an immediate hangover or sorts....