Salvia experiences?


I made my own Salvinorin A extract. I took 250g of leaf and got about 2g of the pure stuff. Just 1mg and I'm completely dissociated from my body. The first experience lasted 10 seconds but took me to some sort of mayan/aztec-like world. My walls vanished and were replaced by a lush rainforest. The ceiling became a marquee of shining, golden hieroglyphics, and in the distance I noticed a giant pyramid with the moon shining down on the top.

My second experience with it was entirely out of body and scared the piss out of me. It lasted 10 minutes and when I was coming down, I kept detaching from my body for about a half hour.

I still prefer NBOMe's or 2C's over salvinorin
I'll share my wild experience with salvia. I was riding in the passenger seat of my buddies car, I took in a lung full from a bullet one hitter, felt nothing so I ripped it 2 more times. I shot straight up out of the car, I was now riding on what seemed to be a roller coaster on top of the car, I remember looking down at my friend in the back seat and seeing him looking up at me laughing, I rode there for about 3 or 4 minutes, which seemed much longer, then I slammed back down into my seat wondering what the hell just happened lol. I felt a little out of it and spaced out for the rest of the night. I only tried salvia one time since then and all it took was one hit and I started to feel the onset and I remembered how terrible it was, therefore I never touched it again. I don't see how that stuff could be legal at the time and marijuana isn't.. I mean, put two cars side by side and let one driver hit a bowl of dank, and one hit a bowl of salvia and see who crashes first..

I also remember it made me feel very very awkward, as if I was in some sort of cartoon land and every thing was a big joke, It was all I could do to play cool.


Well-Known Member
I've smoked it about 25 times. Every single time my trip had what seemed like millions of tiny "beings". Sometimes they sang to me, chanted things, or fucked with me. It was dark and erie, yet peaceful and serene at the same time. Even at my most scared, I knew they wouldn't hurt me.....weird shit.

I disagree. I think it's underrated. The only thing that could make it better is if it lasted longer.....way longer.
the weirdest thing about it is that the trip is unexplainable.
there was this one time, when i smoked some spice ('twas a long time ago, it's been quite a while since i smoked spice :) ), took a hit of 40x, started tripping balls, the trip came down a little, but it was still pretty intense and i smoked some weed. after 10 minutes the salvia trip should've ended completely, but it didn't and i got worried lol. i mean, i wasn't completely in the parallel world anymore, but i was still really buzzed. it lasted for ~1 hour, gradually fading away.


Well-Known Member
Without getting fully into the experience. I will state the main points of one of the most vivid and worst trips of my life. Which was induced by salvia. Bright eye blinding light, in darkness, late at night. Strange ghost like creatures. Attempted alien abduction. Nuff said.


Well-Known Member
can anyone explain the salvia trips? i mean, what is that what we see and why do we see it?


Well-Known Member
Without getting fully into the experience. I will state the main points of one of the most vivid and worst trips of my life. Which was induced by salvia. Bright eye blinding light, in darkness, late at night. Strange ghost like creatures. Attempted alien abduction. Nuff said.
Sounds a bit like a heavy DXM trip i had many moons ago.


Well-Known Member
tried it once, smoked it out of a bowl. just a small pack that someone gave me. nothing happened lol.


I few years back when salvia was legal in my state i got really into ethnobotanicals or w/e and grabbed up what im pretty sure was an Oz for like 13 bucks; of dried leaf. To tell you the truth, you can achieve pretty high states just with the leaf, but for convenience i do understand the extracts, just super pricey. I had enough for like atleast 40-50 doses i swear, shared it with anyone interested. I barely touched it actually. Taste like shit and i hated the sweats it gave me, usually every time.

My first experience was with an extract and it really tripped me up. Brain goes kinda blank but your subconscious keep ticking and starts to pop out with questions that you know answers to but it seems like you asked it differently. Visuals were quite strong. Felt like i was in the correct state finally, or that i have felt this place before...real weird.

With the leaf, i never got fully to the way the extracts made me feel, but close enough and in a somewhat different better way, slightly more control over everything. Didnt really like the negativeness it gave me. Always felt like i was getting pushed or pulled by gravity, while lying on a bed of needles. Seemed like a lot of the time people seemed shady and i always felt awkward trying to explain what was going on. Did in a group setting a few times obviously and there almost seems to be some kind of connection when people do it together. Totally experienced some weird mirrorlike line in between me and two other people. It had Pulled me in and reversed me through my buddies. It had felt like i was parallel to where i was at previously, and i could not breath... but in reality i might actually have been. By buddies pulled out of their experience before me and had to help me out. Freaky fucking shit. One time, the only thing keeping me and a tropical beach setting from touching was a fan cord that split my living room up slowly losing touch with reality seeing a line constantly dissipate.

I am also convinced a spiritual essence may exist in salvia, as others think with cacti and other ethnobotanicals. Read the Cosmic Trigger though and thats the thing, its all very subjective to YOU. Seems that a lot of people that i had given it to seemed to just want to get fucked up, so when they experienced something they would just drool and laugh their asses off like monkeys; It was fun like that a few times, but got boring quick, had the bag for like a year. Im pretty sure hallucinatory substances are to be used to cleanse your mind. A lot of self-reflecting, guilt, blame, and weirdness all created by your subconcious to show you a different way of looking at the data. I would say it is overrated for rec use... just stick to shrooms.


Well-Known Member
I've never had a problem with smokeing plain leaf, smooth and nice tasteing smoke... and then it HITS you.
My sally realy bushed up this winter, wish I had a bigger pot for her.


Well-Known Member
I also remember it made me feel very very awkward, as if I was in some sort of cartoon land .
And everything was going at a 45 degree angle from above right to floor left

A freind of mine was hitting it and went by the fridge and looked terrified

not for me for sure


Well-Known Member
Salvia is crazy. Hardest quickest trips ever. I haven't done any in years but would be fun to lose your mind for a quick 15min


Well-Known Member
Oh man, here goes.

Typical stuff, I searched for some extract at dozens of stores and couldn't find any. Last shop I headed into carries it but was out of stock. I waited impatiently for 10 days for the product to arrive and picked it up like it was a check in the mail.

I probably should have started out slow but I felt the wait was brutal. I was ready to go into space so I packed a fat bowl on my bong and I lit the whole thing with a torch lighter since I heard the hotter the better.

Big mistake. Instant bad trip. I immediately wanted to press pause and start over but it doesn't go down like that IRL. Still didn't stop me from trying to snap out of it while panicking. None the less, I tried to gather myself but it only got worse. The start button turned into a coin slot and the reset was going to be sucking the coin out of the slot. Impossible....

At this point I'm on the ground for sure. I know because my book (i'm the book) fell off what ever it was on. Hard cover with real thick cover. I remember having some kind of vision. But nothing like once would expect. My vision itself was locked in on the open corner while the pages were flipping crazy fast. The book kept flopping around as the pages turned and I remember that I kept trying to jump back into it like the pages were some kind of jump rope.

But of course I had zero control over what was going on. Keep in mind I was in my backyard with my buddy. My buddy is tripping out, at this point he stops recording and I hear him call my ladies name out. I tripped out even harder! I wasn't just seeing the book anymore. I saw a dang sidewalk in my backyard and I ate shit hard as I fell into the sidewalk/wall. That's when the real trip started. I had turned into the crevice that met both the wall and the sidewalk with vision still intact! I could only see one way or another. If I closed one eye, I saw the book. If I closed the other, my vision would rotate and I'd be the crevice!

I was pretty much remote viewing from that angle and I could not focus at all so I tried to close my eyes. Fawk.... There goes that book again flipping and turning even harder. Just imagine a book tumbling in space with the pages turning simultaneously. I couldn't grasp it but I felt like if I did, I'd be a rabbit going back into his hole which to me meant game over.

Once that eternity ended, coming off was just as bad. I remember jumping around the yard, taking my clothes and shoes off. I sat down, laid down, ran, asked to be hugged, etc. I didn't know who I was, where I was, when I was, why I was.

At the same time my buddy is asking me if I'm cool already cuz he wanted to hit it as well!! I haven't even gathered myself and this dude was itching to go next. It was a hell of a ride. I'll be back on the line later today giving it a second go. Hopefully it doesn't continue where I left off.