

Well-Known Member
Hey I was wondering if there was anyone on here with any experience with taking salvia.
New to salvia, never done it before, would more or less be my introduction to a true mind altering substance, I just puff mary jane daily, for the past 15+ years, but as far as hallucinatory items i am not experienced. Shrooms for me are hard to obtain, as with LSD and any other type of drugs, and seeing how i could purchase Salvia online, if i find a trusted reputable site, and that the "high" only last a short time as opposed to other hallucinogens. Looking for any info on this plant, experiences, and good ways to use this plant, i love the outdoors, and will be injesting alone, thanks guys :peace:


Active Member
only help i can offer is walk before you run if you have NO experience with hallucinogens resist the urge to buy the strongest salvia you can get your hands on. Once again RESIST that typical stoner urge to buy the strongest shit you can find. start off with some 20x or 40x will give you a decent short trip and let you know how you handle hallucinating. Some folks just cant handle a truly altered perception. if you like what you experienced then try out some of the crazy 80x and higher strength blends. When you have had a 10 strip go sideways on you a bad salvia experience is nothing to deal with but kids having a strong blend go crazy on them their first time out is what had led to such a bad reputation for salvia in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Here is what I tell everyone doing Salvia for the first time.

Go into it thinking good thoughts and happy concepts.
Be in a comfortable environment and it's suggested to have someone there with you watching you if it's your first time. Make sure it's not someone that will mess with you during your trip.
If you're smoking it smoke it out of a bong with a torch. Natural Salvia doesn't like to burn, which is why it reacts the way it does when it's smoked, sucking or making tea with Salvia leaves will be a more mild and longer trip. If you have extract, which is probably the case, bong and torch.
Sit somewhere comfortable, take as big as hit as you can, hold it in for as long as you can.
While you're holding your hit, sit the bong down so you don't do anything stupid with it while you're tripping.
Exhale, and the trip begins. It shouldn't last anymore then 5-10min, with a "high/buzz" afterwards.

Have fun and be safe,
ADT (Experience with Hallucinogenics: DMT, Acid, Shrooms, Salvia, 2c*a-e & i*, AMT, & a few others I can remember on spot.)


Well-Known Member
I believe salvia is illegal about everwhere in us. This is a really weird hallucinogen as far as I'm concerned. It's like stepping on an elevator that shoots up to the 200th floor and returns about as fast. All my experience with it has been in fractals (other people experience different things). I'm literally sucked into a spinning vortex fractal that visually is very 'real' and kind of black out until I 'come to.' If one is not ready for such a ride it can be very jolting. A lot of people who have really gotten off doing it, are reluctant to try it immediately again. The trick to doing it is to smoke it very fast, inhaling deeply, holding it in, exhaling, and hitting it again as the first time, in rap[id succession. The stiff is very dependent on how much you can get in your bloodstream and and how fast. Usually by the third hit, it should come on almost like an extreme lsd trip at its height, but within seconds. The peak experience will last a minute or two, then you'll come down. I suggest if you try it, have someone with you, as a lot of users will try to get up out of the chair, nor knowing that they are actually doing this, and could fall down and hurt themselves. Many users have experience heart palpitations using this. There are varying strengths of this stuff, so the affects will vary.


Well-Known Member
As others have said, make sure someone else is there and sober. Atleast so they can grab the bong when your about to drop it. Also, dont mean to just repeat everyones post, but take in as much as you can, the way it was described to me, is that you body builds a tolerance fast, so take in as much as you can, in as short a time as possible. Remember, everyone is different, some people hate the stuff, i personally love it. It was a very good experiance and i had nothing bad to say about it. My brother on the other hand said he wont be trying it again, he did not enjoy it. Id pack a small bowl the first time trying it. So you know if you will like it before stepping it up. I will find a diff post i did of my experience on it and copy it here.


Well-Known Member
Thank you everybody for you responses, they are much appreciated. The reason i was thinking of approaching salvia was the short time, but i have been on erowid reading of small dose mushrooms then slowly raising the threshold to become familiar with them, I am very interested in trying shrooms but as i said i cannot find them, nor do i trust the source if i do find one, being a stranger, so i would have to grow my own.

If I approach growing my own mushrooms, is their a strain anybody would recommend over others? Growing methods/grow kits available? are they worth it? I see some really complicated ways to make these shrooms, then i see easy kits available, are they worth it? thanks alot!


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately i have never grown shrooms. I have done them, and had many great times. I have also read about growing them, seems fairly easy and seems a major thing is to keep everything clean. I would repost about shrooms, might get more replies.


Active Member
I believe salvia is illegal about everwhere in us.
Wtf? salvia is legal in twice as many states as it is illegal and the states where it is legal you can buy it over the counter in head shops dont go spouting bad imformation even in hardcore prohibition states like NY salvia is perfectly legal


Well-Known Member
Go for it. Take 2 giant rips of some 20-30x. Laugh for 5 seconds... Start to regret it for another 10 seconds... Forget why you are experiencing the hell that you are in, while drooling on yourself for 5 minutes.... and again, regret ever doing it for another 10 minutes... then say fuck that shit for the rest of your life. Easy lesson learned. Look at canndo's sticky in this section titled "how to grow mushrooms the easy way". Salvia sucks... maybe 1 out of 1,000 people don't regret smoking it immediately after.