Sam Dubose Murdered by Pig.

Something about this story is off. There was no heated exchange between the cop and Dubos, the cop had no reason to shoot. I think it was an accident. I bet that cop had practiced his quick draw and was pulling the trigger on an empty gun during the practice. As he practiced his quick draw he would pull and shoot, pull and shoot, and it became a habit. Here he pulled his gun as fast as he could because he wanted to threaten Dubose but he pulled the trigger out of habit. Then made up the dragging story in the moment to cover his mistake, forgetting about the camera. Sure I'm probably wrong, it's just my guess. What do you think?
More likely that he did it by accident than on purpose, but it's still manslaughter or murder.
Something about this story is off. There was no heated exchange between the cop and Dubos, the cop had no reason to shoot. I think it was an accident. I bet that cop had practiced his quick draw and was pulling the trigger on an empty gun during the practice. As he practiced his quick draw he would pull and shoot, pull and shoot, and it became a habit. Here he pulled his gun as fast as he could because he wanted to threaten Dubose but he pulled the trigger out of habit. Then made up the dragging story in the moment to cover his mistake, forgetting about the camera. Sure I'm probably wrong, it's just my guess. What do you think?
I think that this is actually entirely possible.
If ever asked to step out a car roll windows up and lock the car w keys in it. Have a spare key hidden under car.. then no one can get in
They will just impound your car & get a warrant
They have nothing to get a warrant for no probbie cause no nothing. If they break a window or pick a lock that's forced entry. If they use a key it's not forced entry. There is some grey area there.
They have nothing to get a warrant for no probbie cause no nothing. If they break a window or pick a lock that's forced entry. If they use a key it's not forced entry. There is some grey area there.
Your car on the road is open season bro....think Homeland security & terriorists threat
Something about this story is off. There was no heated exchange between the cop and Dubos, the cop had no reason to shoot. I think it was an accident. I bet that cop had practiced his quick draw and was pulling the trigger on an empty gun during the practice. As he practiced his quick draw he would pull and shoot, pull and shoot, and it became a habit. Here he pulled his gun as fast as he could because he wanted to threaten Dubose but he pulled the trigger out of habit. Then made up the dragging story in the moment to cover his mistake, forgetting about the camera. Sure I'm probably wrong, it's just my guess. What do you think?

Except his firearm comes out 2-3 seconds before the shot is fired and he shouts "stop" twice before he pulls the trigger.
"On July 29, Tensing was indicted on murder charges. As a result of the indictment, he was fired from the University of Cincinnati Police Department. On July 30, at his arraignment, he pleaded not guilty to the charges of murder and manslaughter, and his bail was set at $1 million. His next court date is set for August 19.

Stew Mathews, Tensing's attorney, said the shot that killed DuBose was fired in self-defense, and that Tensing was being dragged by DuBose's car. Mathews substantiated his claim with body camera video from David Lindenschmidt, another officer who was at the scene.

According to the University of Cincinnati Police Department use of force procedure, campus officers "should not discharge a firearm at or from a moving vehicle except as the ultimate measure of self-defense or defense of another when the suspect is using deadly force"."

So weird.. the other cops body cam started filming right after the crash.. and doesn't show the actual incident..

But what it does show is the shooter pigs reaction to murdering a guy.. "I was being dragged, I thought he was gonna run me over.." other cop "yeah, I saw that..."

Fuck, this guy better go away for murder
This is where a DA deal for a manslaughter plea will come from...