Sannie's SugarPunch


Well-Known Member
I signed up there before I ordered my seeds...Nice that you get an extra freebie for being a member there....

But yes I agree, less bickering....but definitely a lot slower....But hey this and OG are not the only weed forums that I am a member of, or where I get info from.....I am signed up at 4 weed forums, lol....and I routinely google search weed stuff and end up getting research from all the other forums as well....I definitely got weed on the brain, lol...
yup, its really slow there, I've found that any site that is on horticulture is helpful, it's kinda almost counter-intuitive but it seems like I've learned more from sites regarding basic plant growth (roses, veggies, etc) than on cannabis sites. Makes sense when you think about it, we're kinda limited to only potheads...
I think your constant thirst for knowledge is always a good thing though, although it may lead to thinking about plants while you're lying awake in bed at night..... Don't ask me how I know about that....


Well-Known Member
undercovergrow... Where did you go?
sorry! i'm getting ready for minor surgery on tuesday and have been just cleaning the house and stuff to get ready.

my sugar punch is looking pretty good. still super small, should have definitely vegged her longer. i will get a picture added to this post later today. i was chuckin' pollen for the first time and i think i might have hit her just a bit too much with it because she looks like she is really seeded up.

sorry sannie, but i did not like silverfields!! the haze taste is what i do not like--apparently that is a pine taste to it-because this has that to it on the exhale like the silver haze #9 i grew and didn't like at all. fingers crossed on sugar punch!


Well-Known Member
well here is a couple of roots on all 64 clones,so thats good,another huckleberry kush is male,thats bad,and the sugar punch grew 1in long or so shoots where i cut clones,so did the m.s. real growth but new growth,im sure more will occur while im on vacation..first pic is my sleeskunk x skunk and sugar punch for comparison,both planted at the same time( chance of a 5 day difference),either way,it shows a drastic difference,and both had had clones cut off them before..the s.p. is in a smartpot,a little smaller,but the other s.p. is in a regular 3 gal tub,and its the same size as its sibling.ill be planting the clones in a week,and in 2,ill be taking one each to the flower room for a sneak peak..
last pic is the blue Hawaiian reject at 2 anda half weeks..beginning to stack up! kinda wish i had taken clones..oh well.too many kids in class as it is..IMG_20140618_115226.jpgIMG_20140618_115342.jpg IMG_20140618_120039.jpg


Well-Known Member
Quick Update...

Sugar Punch

Day 18 of Flower... These girls really do explode in flower. The "runts" have gotten very stretchy and have really shot up in height. Average height is about 35 inches above the soil with the tallest being about 40 inches. The bigger bushy girls have gotten very bushy. I need to get in and skirt them again.



The canopy of the biggest girl in my flower room is about 30 inches, with the average being around 2 feet. The girl above is a medium sized bushy one that was easy to photograph. The bushy girls are putting out LOTS of bud sites. Hope they produce lots of frosty buds...


Keizer Soze
:peace: :weed: bongsmilie
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Well-Known Member
sorry! i'm getting ready for minor surgery on tuesday and have been just cleaning the house and stuff to get ready.

my sugar punch is looking pretty good. still super small, should have definitely vegged her longer. i will get a picture added to this post later today. i was chuckin' pollen for the first time and i think i might have hit her just a bit too much with it because she looks like she is really seeded up.

sorry sannie, but i did not like silverfields!! the haze taste is what i do not like--apparently that is a pine taste to it-because this has that to it on the exhale like the silver haze #9 i grew and didn't like at all. fingers crossed on sugar punch!
well it's past Tuesday, and I hope your surgery was a successful one, I had neurosurgery years ago, not fun....
hope you are recovering well.
and thanks for the report on the silverfields, I was kinda thinking about that one.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
any idea if they have free shipping ? Those are good prices for air-pots if shipping is included....Actually might be the best prices I've seen if shipping is included.
Not sure but that place is cheapest I found online. If you have local gardening place I'm sure they can order.
Very nice work. Your girls look very healthy. Are they mainlined?

I recognize the phenos in your pics from my own garden. The lighter green jagged leaf in pic 1 is going to stretch like a MF. The leaves also develop a really cool, wicked texture to them. The darker leafed ones will get bushier from my experience.
Thanks! Yes 2 are mainlined to 8 and the last is getting there.

I was wondering about the leaves, definitely odd looking.


Well-Known Member
IMG_20140630_143900_764.jpg look who grew a little!..stuck a clone of each sugar punch in the dirt,and the last of the huckleberry kush pheno number 2,i put one in to sex..and,my blue Hawaiian is my sour d is female!..lots of good news..cant wait for some samples!