Sargent Mowinsteins Outdoor Grow "DOIN IT BIG"

hey sargent shit looks good i'd consider giving them an extra week but that plan sounds good especially if its just you trimming, hopefully you got that same rain i did last night and this cold weather will fuck off to quebec or something or else it might be an early harvest

sargent mowinstein

Well-Known Member
lots of rain and chilly, my plants havent needed me to water them since the sept first, very low maintance. and even though it is cold itll still be a while before frost. im guessing itll frost around oct 1s to mid oct, n i should be outta the ground by sept 25

Also im looking for a good site explain how to press hash via a oven??? i bought a 4 bag bubble system and im running all my trim and ugly buds threw it. i want to press the 25, and 74 bags into hash bricks via the oven pressing method. HASH BRICKS

sargent mowinstein

Well-Known Member
change in plans, wont have the drying location ready untill next weekend. no worries 1 more week would do em good, n i got some trimmers to work for me so looks like im still riding smooth, harvest date: september 24


Well-Known Member
change in plans, wont have the drying location ready untill next weekend. no worries 1 more week would do em good, n i got some trimmers to work for me so looks like im still riding smooth, harvest date: september 24
1 more week will be good for em, make sure you trust your trimmers?

sargent mowinstein

Well-Known Member
Emergency harvest needed to be preformed. yesterday i was walking out to my plot with one garbage bag to fill up with buds, when i noticed four wheeler tracks again as i was aprroching my grow! as i got closer i noticed they lead directly to my plot! i was amazed to see the quad went within two feet of the plants with out harming any at all. i then managed to cut down and stuff 15 plants into one bag. so after see this the next day i went back with a friend and cut down remaining 65. in total i filled 4 xl garbage bags and ive been trimming intense amounts. going to be trimming all day tomarrow.
im trimming the buds speedly but when their dryer i plan on pulling off all the smaller hard to trim leaves making the buds look even nicer. ive been collecting all my trim, aswell as any buds that are smaller then .5 are going to my bubble hash bag.
for drying im going to be placking buds into brown paper lunch bags and let to dry in a dark dry enviorment, shaken and mixed every day to promote even drying. im thinking about adding some rice to each bag to speed up evaporation. also maby add some orange peels for flavor?


Well-Known Member
dope thread u got goin here man, im also in southern ontario and i plan on harvesting this friday, 12 six footer clones littered in bud, its gunna be a blast and maybe I'll post up some pics, u should definetley do the same aswell

sargent mowinstein

Well-Known Member
err been trimming two week stright all eD up. shits stoopied willd got around 6 pounds maby? going to the trap house get some bud pics for ya guys. trap all day trap all night you dont grind you dont shine