Sativa Indoors


Active Member
Legend has it that Sativas grow very tall. Indicas short and bushy. Now most of the indoor growers here are mainly people with limited space and no room for 8-15ft plants. Does anyone here grow big sativa plants in small setups. I'd imagine its possible with good pruning and fiming but newbie here so I was wondering if anyone had any experience and what the pros and cons of sativas indoors was. Was thinking about Super Silver Haze strain btw


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Legend has it that Sativas grow very tall. Indicas short and bushy. Now most of the indoor growers here are mainly people with limited space and no room for 8-15ft plants. Does anyone here grow big sativa plants in small setups. I'd imagine its possible with good pruning and fiming but newbie here so I was wondering if anyone had any experience and what the pros and cons of sativas indoors was. Was thinking about Super Silver Haze strain btw
I have and yes you do need to top them, at least I do to limit the space. And it makes a bushier plant with more colas. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I know they stretch but do they really get that big? Maybe a 3x stretch but nothing more then that right? It would be cool to just grow like 2 or 4 plants and do a big ass screen. I know that they get mad colas going and all

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Yes Top them no fim, I would count 4 branches up then prune off rest, so now you have four main branches the auxins will go straight/evenly into them, that will give you very very strong branches capable of holding the major Colas it will prouduce.


Well-Known Member
chiceh, which sativa strains do you reccomend? i have a flowering box thats 14''x27''x5'ft, planning on only flowering 2-3 sativas in there with my 250w-hps..sound good or should i go with indica;s?


Well-Known Member
I got this crazy sativa (unknown strain) that I started flowering when it was about 18" high. Within 3 weeks, I was having to move the light up every day and my shorter plants were suffering. I ended up tying it down at first and when the branches got out of control I bent them in and twisty-tied the branches to each-other. It's now about 52 days into flowering and the growth has slowed and the bud growth is speeding up. If didn't LST this thing then it would easily be 6 feet tall in my closet right now, instead it is this crazy loopy thing with buds everywhere and it's like 3 1/2 feet tall. I just cut an indica that started flowering on the same day and it was only 2 1/2 feet tall and it was never topped, this crazy sativa will go easily another 30 days before it's gonna be ready. And yes, top it!! It's much easier to train when you have several branches instead of one main stem to deal with, plus it'll get super tall.


Active Member
Thanks for the info guys, i appreciate it. But I got to be honest, I dont know much about pruning and what branches to cut and what not, cept for cloning, i dont know anything else bout that kind of stuff. Think ya can help a newcomer out and tell him where to get some pruning skills :mrgreen:

Mr Wacky Tobacky

Well-Known Member
Doesn't it also make a difference in hight if you trim the roots after veg or something like that or is it a must for topping? I've got this dwarf plant that grew outside between stones and the root system wasn't big at all when I planted it over in a pot.. it took a while for it to recover but now my plant is indoors and have some nice buds but she haven't grown much in hight (she's only 43cm tall and looks good).. do you guys/girls think it makes a difference or not and what are the consequences in your opinion??


Active Member
Thanks for the info guys, i appreciate it. But I got to be honest, I dont know much about pruning and what branches to cut and what not, cept for cloning, i dont know anything else bout that kind of stuff. Think ya can help a newcomer out and tell him where to get some pruning skills :mrgreen:
i suggest doing a sea of green method works best for sativa's to keep them short. Also turning out the light for 72 hours at the begining of flowering will induce flowering much faster and stop it from stretch.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
You could very well do a scrog with sativa, and just train it to grow wide rather than high, get better yields from fewer plants.