Saying Good Bye To My WW


Well-Known Member
Sadly all three of my WW are male and I thought I would post a picture before I cut it up. I guess I should of shot one from a little bit higher looking down :/

I did take 3 tops and dropped them in water as if I was cloning them. Made some goofy trays and am going to make a half ass attempt at collecting some pollen.



Well-Known Member
sorry for your loss chosen- are you gonna try ww again, or go with something else?
I am working some bag seed now, I have one female going solo under the 400w. I have a few bagseed female clones I am trying to root. So for now it just bagseed :( In a few weeks I will break down and order some seeds again. Eventually work the bagseed out and get some funk going.


Well-Known Member
im hoping that it will root and then im going to grow it outdoors somewhere far from my home. the smaller plant will be easier to transport and put into the ground without being noticed.