Scariest Moment Of My Life


I don't know if this is the best forum to post this in, but I can't think of a better one lol...

So this was about 8-9 months ago one night at 3 or 4 AM we smoked some bud and we decided to go to McDonalds in a shopping center about 3 miles away, but we thought it was a good idea that we walked. On the way there there wasn't any problems, we went to McDonalds got some food and started to walk home. This is where things start to get freaky.

On the way home, when we were close back to my friends house, we noticed a car that looked like one we had seen several times and we started to get paranoid.Once we had seen it three times we knew something was up. Then it did a sharp U turn about 15 feet behind us so we book it into the woods and it pulls up right to the woods.

We hear two doors open and people come out so we sprint back to his house. They run back to their car and it's really hard to explain without seeing the place but we ran into his front yard and hid behind some bushes and the car slowly rolled past his yard I guess because he thought we had gone past there.

I don't think anybody who would follow two guys at 4 AM into the woods wants to have a nice talk so this is definitely the scariest event of my life. If y'all wanna share yours then go ahead!


Did you f**k someone over? If not then no reason to be scared. Well unless your a pretty boy and they were looking for lovin. It puts the lotion on the skin.


You sure do got a pretty mouth.
This was at 4 in the morning I don't think he wanted to have a nice chat


Well-Known Member
This was at 4 in the morning I don't think he wanted to have a nice chat

I'd spend the rest of my life feeling like I missed something. What if they found a giant sack of money and were out looking to see if they could find who lost it, and after making the area a few times, decided it had to of been yours? Next time, just ask what they want. If you're scared just act tough and be like "you plottin on me?!?!?!!?!?", or "what's your angle, MF?!?!?!?!!?"


I'd spend the rest of my life feeling like I missed something. What if they found a giant sack of money and were out looking to see if they could find who lost it, and after making the area a few times, decided it had to of been yours? Next time, just ask what they want. If you're scared just act tough and be like "you plottin on me?!?!?!!?!?", or "what's your angle, MF?!?!?!?!!?"
If I remember right we had a bowl and some bud on us so if that was a cop we would've been fucked


If you're that scared, call the cops and make a report, give them a description of the car, etc.
This was 9 months ago and I was high, I have no idea what the car looks like. I can't exactly do that and I also don't really care anymore. It was just scary in the moment


Cuz it wasn't. You weren't hurt, there was no confrontation, no guns or knives, fuck even no words
If you almost get in a T-Bone accident would you say that's not scary cause you didn't actually get hit? Its the same with this, I almost got into a bad situation