Scott Walker...F##K Yeah

Not really, he started strong and then straight downhill to the crash and burn.
He will soon be following Rick Perry...adios...
Yeah I was just being snarky. He seems to have been stalled out for a while. I assume he and some of the other low single digit people will start dropping out.
It's weird conservatives are the ones to get all uppity about individual freedom and personal responsibility then lobby the government to criminalize it

So weird..

Your "freedom" ends when it tramples upon the rights of another, regardless of how much that person is inside your body. Try that logic and kill the next person who puts his dick up your ass. "No officer, it wasn't murder. I was merely practicing medicine without a license. I aborted his life. "

Unalienable rights are the foundation of or freedom and sovereignty, no matter how inconvenient it might be for some to to uphold such elementary law.
Your "freedom" ends when it tramples upon the rights of another, regardless of how much that person is inside your body. Try that logic and kill the next person who puts his dick up your ass. "No officer, it wasn't murder. I was merely practicing medicine without a license. I aborted his life. "

Unalienable rights are the foundation of or freedom and sovereignty, no matter how inconvenient it might be for some to to uphold such elementary law.
A fetus is not a person
He has friends with big pockets and issues people don't want.
Like polluting streams, selling government infrastructure and rewarding cronies
Butch up and tell the truth, the Republican Governor of your state, whom you hate, has simply exhibited national premature implosion syndrome...hahahaha.
Oh well, you are stuck with him for awhile now, Mr. Rice!!!
Maybe he will be re-elected!...hahahaha
Conception isn't where you get rights, you get them when you're born, hence "birth rights"
The supreme court ruling does not align with elementary scientific fact nor the Declaration of Independence which states what constitutes unalienable rights and tyranny. Roe v Wade states that patients have the right to privacy and the government can't pry on that and tell a citizen what procedure a person can't opt to have. This would be an interesting case to cite in regards to the vaccine controversy.

Roe v. Wade is an obvious infringement upon the unalienable right to life and contradicts elementary scientific fact.

There are several cases where a pregnant woman had been murdered and her assailant was tried with double homicide due to the loss of two lives. If an unborn child is not a person then the second murder charge should be thrown out.
The supreme court ruling does not align with elementary scientific fact nor the Declaration of Independence which states what constitutes unalienable rights and tyranny. Roe v Wade states that patients have the right to privacy and the government can't pry on that and tell a citizen what procedure a person can't opt to have. This would be an interesting case to cite in regards to the vaccine controversy.

Roe v. Wade is an obvious infringement upon the unalienable right to life and contradicts elementary scientific fact.

There are several cases where a pregnant woman had been murdered and her assailant was tried with double homicide due to the loss of two lives. If an unborn child is not a person then the second murder charge should be thrown out.
it a women's choice....
Butch up and tell the truth, the Republican Governor of your state, whom you hate, has simply exhibited national premature implosion syndrome...hahahaha.
Oh well, you are stuck with him for awhile now, Mr. Rice!!!
Maybe he will be re-elected!...hahahaha
He is done. My hope was he would last long enough for people to actually hear is views. Only reason he won reelection was He outspent his opponent 3/1 with out of state money.
And Mary Burke his opponent was completely unknown and she ran a campaign where that didn't change. Most people who voted for her didn't know what she stood for, many didn't even know her name except she wasn't Scott Walker
Add in Voter suppression and fatigue
Walker walked in.
Watch what happens this next election. Different story. Our state is dying under Walker