Scrog Design question


Well-Known Member
Does any one have a good way to put up a scrog screen in a closet want to limit their growth they are already 3 feet and dont want them to much taller.

I know what supplies to use but any thing you got will help thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
no has done a scrog grow before is in the middle of building one i see how some are setup with pvc and lumber but i was looking to attach it to my walls and suspended wire


Well-Known Member
Chicken wire is what i am using

My room is a closet and it is 10 feet tall by 5 feet wide by 4 feet in depth and my screen is 2 feet by 5 feet

i have an idea that i will use braces on the sides and suspend wires from i tight wire i have across the top and support it that way up instead of down


Well-Known Member
take a piece of 1x2 and cut it two two feet...then hold the chicken wire to the wall on one side and screw the 1x2 over it to the I making sense so far?...then just stretch it across the closet and do the same to the other side...that's what I would do...if you ever need to move the screen two screws and off of one side and off it comes...whatcha think?


Well-Known Member
1 x 2(stud ) that is the size of the screen. Bend the screen over and drill it in. If thats what you mean sounds like it might not be sturdy enough how would i keep th middle from sagging. i mean i was at the same oint with whatever i have drawn up


Well-Known Member
just a 1x2 not a 2x4....I don't think you will have too much problem with sagging if you pull it tight from wall to wall...if you are worried about it though just make a frame for it with a center brace going right through the would look like the number 8...only about that...then hook the screen to that and you can mount the whole thing to the walls however you want